Department of Animal Biology

Scientific work

 Research and teaching staff and graduate students perform out research work by such directions:

- the study of biodiversity integrated water using;

- the study of human impact on ecosystems biota;

- the study benthic organisms groups of aquatic ecosystems;

- determination of morphological features of eggs in natural populations of birds and poultry;

- development of methods for the conservation of rare and endangered populations of animals;

- development of methods for low-temperature preservation of animal genetic resources;

- research global trends with innovative problem solving on improving production technologies based on biological characteristics of certain species;

- biological parameter study of signs required for the formation of the regulatory framework for technological design in livestock;

            - development of rapid methods of controlling the functional state of the animals according to their conditions of detention.




Research work graduate students of the Department




The theme of the research "Experimental study of technology industrial production of broiler meat by using cellular technology", specialty 06.02.04 - technology of animal products. Supervisor – Professor, D.Sc. Mykola Sakhatsky.








                 Oleg Smolenskiy

The theme of the research "Features of energetic processes in different species of carp for action toxins of organic origin", specialty 03.00.10 – ichthyology. Supervisor – Associate professor, D.Ph.InnaKurbatova,















The theme of the research "Ichthyofauna of small ponds steppes of Ukraine", specialty 03.00.10 – ichthyology.  Supervisor – Associate professor, D.Ph. Ivan Mityai, 

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