Department of Management and Educational Technology

Specialty 073 "Management" educational program "Management of Educational Institution"

Qualitative education is the key to the welfare of the nation!

Department of Management and Educational Technology of Humanities and Pedagogical Faculty
of National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

invites to study in the Master's programme

on the specialty 073 "Management" educational program
anagement of educational institution"

The reform of the national education system highlighted the need for new approaches to managing modern educational institution. Manager of educational institution becomes a key figure in the transformation process that takes place in the educational sector. Today, he requires a clear understanding of the need for continuous professional growth, increasing of skills in management, qualitative mastery of modern knowledge in the field of pedagogy, psychology, sociology, law, management and other sciences, as well as the practical absorption of new forms and methods of management in the education field. Today, manager of educational institution must have the basics of systematic design of the innovative pedagogical process, implement the program-targeted management of this process, develop communicative competence as a professional manager's tool, use dialogue as a form of interaction, introduce methods of self-organization, decentralization of management, etc.

Who is manager of educational establishment?

Manager... How many people dream about the title of a high-ranking official, building a vector of self-development! However, did you think over who is manager? It's not just a professional leader and talented teacher, it's a leader in humanity, dignity and discipline. Did you think over who should be the manager? The true manager of educational institution is a person who harmoniously combines the professional and personality traits of the leader of a pedagogical affairs, heads the educational institution, his structurally separated production or functional subunit and is empowered to make decisions on the disposal of his allocated material, financial, labor resources.

For a true manager, the management process is not just the organization and control of the work of their subordinates, it is a style of life that is realized during the teaching of everyday work. So, if you feel that you are complying with the characteristics of a true manager, feel free to take up this post. And remember that the true manager holds the most important levers of the educational engine in his hands and how he will perfectly possess the managerial theory and practice will depend on the level of education of graduates of educational establishments, the responsibility of the qualitative indicator of Ukrainian education to European standards and the development of important macrostructural elements of the educational process of Ukrainian state.

Positions that our graduates can take

Graduator can be hired for positions with the following professional titles:
- director (rector, head) of a higher educational estabishment (college, institute, academy, university, etc.);
- director (head) of a vocational educational establishment (vocational training college, vocational college, etc.);
- director of educational establishment (secondary school, specialized school, gymnasium, boarding school, etc.);
- director of advanced training courses;
- director of an out-of-school establishment;
- director of preschool educational institution;
- director of educational and industrial complex;
- director of educational (training) center;
- director of the school (the highest sporting skill, specialized children's and youth sports equipment, etc.);
- director of the branch;
- head of college;
- head of advanced training courses;
- head of educational (training) center;
- head of the school (higher flight training, seafaring, training, technical);
- head of the branch;
- dean;
- supervisor of postgraduate studies (internship, registrarship);
- supervisor of the educational and scientific base;
- supervisor of kindergarten (children's nurseries, nursery school);
- supervisor of the study room;
- supervisor of department;
- supervisor of courses;
- supervisor of the laboratory (education);
- supervisor of an out-of-school institution;
- supervisor of practice (production, training);
- manager of the student design and development (research) bureau;
- supervisor of the training unit;
- supervisor of the department in college;
- supervisor of the department (correspondence, preparatory, etc.);
- supervisor of the department;
- supervisor of the unit (educational and consulting, educational, etc.);
- supervisor of the sector;
- head of fepartment;
- head of the sector.

What is the manager of educational establishment doing?

performance of various functions: organizes the activities of the educational establishment, is engaged in planning the work of the establishment, solves financial and economic issues, appoints and dismisses the employees, defines their functional responsibilities, ensures the organization of the educational process and controls the implementation of educational programs;

powers (status): manager carries out direct management of the educational institution;


the limits of responsibility: manager of the educational establishment is responsible and controls the educational, financial, economic and other activities of the establishment;

salary level: salary of the manager depends on the status of educational establishment, as well as on the contingent of students, rating indicators of the educational establishment, the development of international relations.

Advantages of the manager profession

- an occupational prestige;

- a high wage level;

- a chance to communicate with a large number of people;

- demand for staff managers is continually increasing;

- constant self-development and self-improvement;

- raising the level of intellectual development through the solution of diverse and non-trivial tasks.

We will teach:

- to manage the creation, support, and improvement of the system of productive work of all enterprise employees;

- to realize the search for new employees;

- the realization of selection among candidates for vacant positions of highly skilled workers, which correspond to the corporate culture of the enterprise;

- what is human resource marketing and how does it contribute to the development of the enterprise team;

- creation of a system of adaptation of employees;

- pedagogical assessment, training, planning and career development of employees;

- to create and initiate a timely change in the operation of remuneration of labor, motivation of employees;

- to implement effective communication within the enterprise;

- to create a comfortable psychological atmosphere in a team;

- creation and implementation of a system of dismissal.

Why do entrants choose to study at our faculty?

- author courses of educational disciplines, topics of which correspond to the needs of future specialists in the labor market;

- teachers with practical experience in the field of personnel management read lectures;

- free study of foreign languages in the process of obtaining a basic profession;

- there are opportunities for training both at the expense of the state order and at the expense of a contract with individuals and legal entities;

- relatively low cost of studying under the terms of the contract;

- students have the opportunity to upgrade qualification and to have free internships in educational institutions of Poland, Germany, Czech Republic, China;

- passing of industrial practice and internship in leading companies and state institutions of Kyiv and region;

- faculty provides permanent access to electronic and printed teaching materials for self-study;

- team of highly qualified faculty instructors (100% of PhD and Candidate of Sciences);

- mobile and interactive forms of classes, case studying using examples of leading Ukrainian companies;

- multimedia lectures and practical classes that allow students to understand the material better through audio and video support;

- individual consultations with a personal consultant during the completion of the master's thesis during the entire period of studying;

- students’ participation in profile events of educational and research character: olympiads, congresses, forums, conferences of all-Ukrainian and international scales;

- comfortable and compact location of educational buildings, 15 minutes on foot to the metro station "Vystavkovyi Tsenter", there are three routes of public transport through the territory of the University;

- all entrants are provided with a hostel (from 15 to 30 minutes on foot to educational buildings);

- Diploma of Higher Education of state standard and Diploma Appendix of European standard;

- future managers in extracurricular time actively use opportunities for: creative self-realization in student studios of acting, vocal, modern choreography, instrumental music, Club of the cheerful and sharp-witted;

- faculty has developed infrastructure for sports as on professional (regional, national and international competitions) and amateur levels: sports tourism, sections of the sports and health complex of the university with more than 30 kinds of sports;

- powerful student self-governance of faculty, in which our students take part in charity events, cultural, entertainment and festive events; visit the actual artistic events of the capital; arrange sightseeing tours in the country regions.

List of educational disciplines of educational and professional program "Management of educational institution"

Interested in the profession of the manager of the educational establishment - fill in the questionnaire and wait for the call of our consultant.

Form of studying: full-time and part-time (at the expense of the state budget and under the terms of the contract.
Cost of education. Term of studying: 1,5 year

Terms of applications and documents acceptance, entrance examinations,
competitive selection and enrollment of entrants to study

Stages of the university admissions process

The time frame


Registration of entrants for passing the only entrance exam in a foreign language

May 13, 2019 - at 18.00.
June 03, 2019


Passing of additional professional entrance examinations for entrants who enter by the degree of higher education (educational-qualification level) obtained in another specialty

May 13 - May 31, 2019


Acceptance of applications and documents for study from persons who enter on the basis of entrance exams

June 17 - June 25, 2019


Acceptance of applications and documents for study from persons who enter based on the results of the only entrance exam and a professional entrance exam

July 10 - July 23, 2019


The main session of the only professional entrance exam

July 02, 2019


Conducting professional entrance examinations and additional professional entrance examinations for entrants who enter on the basis of the degree of higher education (educational qualification level) obtained in another specialty (direction of preparation) and have already passed the only entrance exam

July 05-26, 2019


Providing recommendations for enrollment on government orders

no later than August 5, 2019


Fulfillment of requirements of Rules of admission for enrollment

till 18 00 August 10, 2019


Order for admission

for public order - till 12.00 h. 11.08.2019
at the expense of individuals or legal entities - not later than 14.08.2019

Entrance examinations

By the Rules of admission, entrance examinations for the specialty 073 "Management," the educational program "Management of educational institution" is conducted in the form of testing from a complex of fundamental and professionally oriented disciplines and foreign language. 

Enrolment period

Entrants for the programs of specialists of educational degree "Master" personally apply the following documents to the admission commission of NULES of Ukraine:

  • application addressed to the rector;
  • copy of the state standard document on the acquired educational degree and its appendix;
  • 4 color photographs in the size of 3x4 cm;
  • passport copy (1, 2 pages and the registration place);
  • copy of the certificate of identification number.
  • document certifying identity and citizenship, a military ticket or a certificate of registration (for the military), state standard document on the previously acquired educational degree (the original), on the basis of which the introduction is made and an appendix thereto, the entrants present personally.

Entrants’ documents are submitted to:

03041, Kyiv-41, st. Generala Rodimtseva, 19, educational building number 1.
Reception of documents daily from 9.00 to 18.00
Saturday and Sunday - from 9:00 to 14:00
lunch break - from 13.00 to 14.00.
Phone: (097) 827-78-78

You can find out more about the rules of admission on the Admission page.

Additional detailed information can be obtained at the Department of Management and Educational Technology of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine at:

Kiev, st. Heroyiv Oborony, 15, educational building number 3, room 04 or by phone (044) 527-83-56, (097) 827-78-78.
Head of the Department of Management and Educational Technology - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Kubitskyi Serhii Olehovych.
Deputy Head of the Department - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor Bilan Lyudmyla Leonidivna (tel. (044) 527-83-56).




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