Department of Management and Educational Technology

Training disciplines

Teaching staff of the department conducts lectures, laboratory works, seminars, individual classes, consultations, tests, students’ individual work and practical training at the following departments: pedagogical, land management and other.

Teaching staff provides scientific and methodical support of the department which includes: educational programs, scientific and methodical complexes, textbooks, e-books, programs of different practices for training students in the fields of science 0101 “Pedagogical education” in speciality 7/01010401 “Professional education” and 8/01010601 “Social pedagogy” and the field of science 1801 “Specific categories” in speciality 8/18010020 “Management of higher educational establishment” and 8/18010021 “Pedagogy of high school”.

The department provides training for EQL “Bachelor” in the following disciplines:
"Theory and methodology of training";
"Oratorical skills"
Training for EQL “Specialist” in  the following disciplines:
"Theory and methods of professional training";
"Ecological culture of personality";
"Methods of training of the subject "Arable farming";
"Methods of training of the subject "Plant Protection";
"Methods of training of the subject "Agrochemistry";
"Methods of training of the subject "Soil science"
"Methods of training of the subject "Fundamentals of General Ecology";
"Methods of training of the subject  "Ecological Monitoring";
"Methods of training of the subject "Ecological management and environmental protection";
"Methods of training of the subject "Land Cadastre";
"Methods of training of the subject "Land Relations";
"Methods of training of the subject "Geodesy";
"Methods of training of the subject "Forestry";
"Methods of teaching of the subject "Forest protection";
"Methods of training of the subject "Forest Cultures and forest melioration";
"Methods of training of the subject "Forest taxation";
"Methods of training of the subject "Seed cultivation with the basics of selection";
"Methods of training of the subject "Rational management of environment  and environmental protection";
"Methods of training of the subject "Crop growing";
"Methods of teaching of the subject "Fodder production";
"Methods of training of the subject "Plant Protection";
"Methods of training of the subject "Tractors and automobiles";
"Methods of training of the subject "Agricultural Machinery";
"Methods of training of the subject "Maintenance of technical equipment";
"Methods of training of the subject "Herd reproduction";
"Methods of training of the subject "Livestock";
"Methods of training of he subject "Banking";
"Methods of training of the subject "Economic Analysis";
"Methods of training of the subject "Money and Credit";
"Methods of training of the subject "Accounting";
"Methods of training of the subject "Finance";
"Methods of training of the subject "Auditing";
"Problems of Agriculture";
"Problems of production and processing technology of livestock products".
Training for EQL “Master” in the disciplines:
"Higher Education of Ukraine and the Bologna Process";
"Training methods of social and pedagogical  disciplines";
"Introduction to speciality";
"Problems of agricultural production";
"The theory and methodology of professional training";
"Organization of educational process in higher educational institutions";
"Teaching methods at Higher School";
"Training methods at secondary school";
"Higher Education and the Bologna Process";
"Theory of Organizations";
"Head of an educational institution";
"Management of Human Resources ";
"Management of work activities";
"Documentation and business communication in management of an institution";
"Technology of management activity";
"Management of training and educational activity";
"Social and environmental safety ";
Training methods of disciplines according to the directions of the basic education.
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