University of São Paulo (Brazil) is open to cooperate with NUBiP of Ukraine

September 7, 2017

     Our University is expanding our links with other countries of the world. This Wednesday Prof. Marcos Fava Neves, a PhD in Strategic Planning and Management paid a visit to our institution. Vice-rector for international Activity Vadym Tkachuk had a talk with the professor from University of São Paulo (Brazil). V. Tkachuk told about the history of our university. In 2018 we will celebrate the 120th anniversary since our institution was created. It was interesting to learn about the work and research of institutes and departments of the university. For example, Institute of Forestry and Park Gardening are researching how to cure pine trees in terms of present ecological situation in Ukraine. The disease of pine trees can lead to climate change, so our researchers together with colleagues from Yale University are trying to tackle this problem. Students and faculty stuff of Institute of Energetics and Automation do not only deal with energy and its transformation but also are searching for ways how to save energy. The laboratory of Food Quality and Safety’s function is to give services to food producers related to food control systems and it results in producing safe food for consumers. A good example of their work is the seeds. Having a sufficient database of seeds the employees of this laboratory have now an opportunity to recognize various seeds. Another example is bioprotection. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is the leader in student enrollment as nowadays there is a tendency to focus on technological specialties. Our students stand the chance to train and practice and not just obtain and learn theory. And it is no wonder as NUBiP of Ukraine is among top-universities in Ukraine and the third top-university in Kyiv.

     Professor Marcos Fava Neves in his turn told about similarities and differences. In Brazil universities are owned by state. And University of São Paulo gets 5% state budget. Thus, a higher education establishment decides how many students to enroll. All students including international study free of charge. Though, speaking about secondary education private schools provide with better knowledge. That is why richer people have more chances to enter a higher educational establishment to study. Answering V. Tkachuk’s question Do you take into account changes at the labour market when changing educational process?, Prof. Marcos Fava Neves spoke about a tight link between business and higher education. He himself started a business some years ago. And he generates the stuff which is done in private sector in research and in science as he relies on the experience he gets while running his own business.

Prof. Marcos Fava Neves is open to further cooperation and our university can build an agreement with University of São Paulo. And Prof. Marcos Fava Neves can encourage and contribute to it a lot. Both countries face similar problems. In Prof. Marcos Fava Neves’s words “I can be your university ambassador at University of São Paulo”.

     Vice-rector presented Professor Marcos Fava Neves’s with a beautiful handmade bowl decorated with Petrykivka painting with a university symbol. It will remind our Brazilian colleague about our university and he will definitely visits us again.

Olena Soloviova

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