International activities

The mission of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine in the context of international activities is to promote the organization and development of international cooperation, which involves the adaptation of educational content and research to the processes of globalization, internationalization and changes in the international political, economic, humanitarian and administrative environment, including Ukraine's integration into the European space.
The university continues to show positive dynamics in its positioning in the world rankings of QS World University Ranking, The Times Higher Education, and The UI GreenMetric, which evaluates efforts in the field of sustainable development and environmental responsibility.
The University takes an active position in developing international cooperation by concluding contracts and cooperation agreements with international partners, which today includes more than 120 partner organizations.
Student and academic mobility are priority areas for the development of the university's international activities, primarily within the framework of the ERASMUS+ program.
The main tasks in the field of international cooperation include the active use of international relations through the conclusion of agreements with foreign universities and the intensification of scientific and educational cooperation with partners.
The priorities of the university departments related to international activities will include:
  • Assistance and support to faculty during business trips abroad;
  • recruitment of foreign students, organizational support for admission and supervision;
  • developing grant proposals and coordinating work within international programs and projects;
  • Expanding existing contacts with foreign partner universities and other institutions in Europe, Asia, the United States, etc;
  • Improving the basis for internships and training abroad for students;
  • providing information on study programs at foreign higher education institutions, searching for possible partners and resources for such programs;
  • development of international academic and scientific mobility, participation in international educational and scientific conferences and meetings;
  • disseminating information about the possibility of participating in international projects among NPEs;
  • intensifying efforts to find opportunities to obtain grants for students and teachers to participate in international exchange programs.
In order to attract a wide range of students, postgraduate students, doctoral students, teachers and researchers of the University to the world academic community and to study, analyze, summarize and use best practices and world experience, as well as to develop international cooperation and promote the formation of a single educational space in Europe, the following activities are carried out:
  • Interaction with educational institutions, scientific institutions, public organizations and private foundations of other countries, which involves representing Ukraine's interests in the field of education and science at the international level;
  • concluding and implementing international agreements on cooperation in the field of education and science, as well as providing opportunities for training, retraining and advanced training of foreign citizens in Ukrainian educational institutions;
  • Coordination of activities aimed at training specialists for both Ukraine and other countries;
  • organizing international conferences, seminars, summer schools and other events;
  • introducing quality standards for higher and postgraduate education in line with European norms.
Responsible for international activities at the faculties

Faculty / Institute

Responsible person

Contact information (email)

Institute of Energetics, Automation and Energy Efficiency

Alla Dudnik

[email protected]

Institute of Forestry and Landscape-Park Management

Yevhenii Khan

[email protected]

Institute of Continuing Education

Sergii Prylipko

[email protected]

Faculty of Agrarian Management

Olena Kovtun

[email protected]

Agrobiological Faculty

Olha Kravchenko

[email protected]

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Maryna Galat

[email protected]

Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy

Alla Kravchenko

[email protected]

Economic Faculty

Tetyana Kuts

[email protected]

Faculty of Plant Protection, Biotechnology and Ecology

Valeria Bondar

[email protected]

Faculty of Land Management

Vyacheslav Bogdanets

[email protected]

Faculty of Information Technologies

Volodymyr Nazarenko

[email protected]

Faculty of Design and Engineering

Andrii Nesvidomin

[email protected]

Mechanical and Technological Faculty

Nataliya Tsyvenkova

[email protected]

Faculty of Livestock Raising and Water Bioresources

Liudmyla Zlamaniuk

[email protected]

Faculty of Food Technology and Quality Control of Agricultural Products

Valentyna Israelian

[email protected]

Faculty of Law

Liudmyla Golovko

[email protected]




































































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