About international activities


National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine strengthens its leadership positions in the field of international activity from year to year. NULES of Ukraine participates actively in international programs of higher education, helps foreign countries to prepare their national staff for agriculture.


The goal of international activities:

recognition of education system, science and researches of NULES by the world leading universities (institutions) through their adaptation to requirements of international standards of quality of education.

The main directions of international activities of NULES:

- deepening and widening of existing contacts with foreign university-partners and other institutions in Europe, Asia, USA, etc.

- improving and expanding bases of production practices, training students abroad:

- providing information about training programs in foreign universities, search of possible partners and resources to undergo such programs;

- development of proposals for obtaining grants and coordinating the work within international programs and projects;

- organizational provision of enrollments and curators for international students, graduate and postgraduate students;

- cooperation with ministries, agencies, embassies of foreign countries in Ukraine and other institutions and organizations on issues of international activities.

Study at National University of Life and Environmental science of Ukraine is based on international agreements of Ukraine, national programs, treaties with legal entities and individuals.

Nowadays citizens of Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Cyprus, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Poland, Slovakia, USA, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and the Czech Republic study at NULES of Ukraine. They are guaranteed all the rights and freedoms which are envisaged by the current legislation of Ukraine.

For a significant contribution to the international recognition of the educational system of NULES of Ukraine 37 professors of partner universities received the title of “Honorary Doctor of NULES of Ukraine” and 59 – the title of “ Honorary professors of NULES of Ukraine”.

Close cooperation with leading universities around the world contributed to the reform and adaptation of the education system of NULES of Ukraine to the requirements of leading universities. Two US universities (Iowa - 1996, 1998, 2011 and Louisiana - 1998, 2009), University of. Gent (Belgium, 2002) and The Humbolt University of Berlin (Germany, 2002) recognized the educational system of NULES of Ukraine as one that meets their requirements.

In 1998 at the International Conference devoted to the 100th anniversary of NAU (now – NULES of Ukraine), the Global Consortium of Higher Agricultural Education and Research (GCHERA) was created at the initiative of the University of Iowa (USA), National Agricultural University (Ukraine) and the Humboldt University (Germany).


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