Address: Of. 17, Vasylkivska Street, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03040
Tel.: (044) 258-05-25
E-mail: [email protected]

Taras Ievsiukov
Doctor of Economics, Professor of Department of Geodesy and Cartography
The faculty trains students of both levels - bachelor and master - the full-time and part-time education.
Bachelor Curricula and Training Programs
Master Curricula and Training Programs
Professional training is provided by following departments:
- Management of Land Resources,
- Land Cadastre,
- Land Use Planning,
- Geodesy and Cartography,
- Geoinformatics and Aerospace Research of the Earth
Implementation of policy on the formation of land relations, land management, land planning and development projects and the state of land cadastre, planning environmental protection, monitoring and governmental control of rational land use and protection of land are the purpose of study.
Students have the opportunity to study on following master programs:
- land management and cadastre
- land conservation
- evaluation of land and real estate
- geodesic-cartographic technologies in land management
- GIS in land management
Students have practice in subdivisions of the State Committee for Land Resources of Ukraine, the Central and regional research and project institutes of Land Management, State Land Cadastre Centre, Institute of Agricultural surveys, etc.
September 26, 2016