Department of Analytical and Bioinorganic Chemistry and Water Quality

Scientific school

 Scientific school of polarographic analysis

In the period from 1954 to 1978, Professor E.M. Skobets created, led and developed the direction of electrochemical research of biogeochemical objects by the method of polarography. In 1970, the first monograph in the world of chemical practice was published - Yu.K. Delymarskyi, E.M. Skobets "Polarography on solid electrodes". 

Almost 60 years ago, the scientific intuition of E.M. Skobtsia prompted modern ecological questions, and therefore the motto of the professor's scientific activity was: everything that is done on paper today must be transferred to real life tomorrow. This motto of E.M. Skobets instilled in his students and kept it throughout his life. 
His hands were constantly in pursuit of his opinion, as evidenced by his faithful "collaborator" - one of the first Ukrainian polarographs, which was made by the professor's own hands and went through the entire creative path with his master.
Under the leadership of E.M. In Skobets, 20 chemists defended their dissertations, became professors, and took leadership positions in universities and research institutes. Among them, correspondent member of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR V.I. Shapoval, doctors of chem. Sciences Nestyuk G.S., Shapoval G.S., professors O.I. Karnaukhov, M.F. Povkhan, associate professors Y.L. Abarbarchuk, N.N. Atamanenko, N.I. Belinska, V.O. Black. , Kosmatiy V.E., Grinevich V.V., Ryabokon V.D., assistants Turov D.S., Kosticina K.P., Poplavska N.A., researchers L.M. Ivashchenko, E.V. Galinker , Makovetska L.I.
Development of the scientific school of applied polarography
Polarographic techniques for the analysis of soil, plants, and aqueous solutions have entered the research practice of many departments of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences:
 organic chemistry - N.N. Atamanenko, N.I. Belinska.
 physical and colloidal chemistry - G.V. Ruchko, P.I. Smolentsev.
 soil science - P.M. Polivyany
 agrochemicals - V.M. Tkachenko, B. Yosypchuk.
 physiology – P.A. Vlasyuk, E.S. Kosmatiy, V.O. Black.
 student research papers - Androsh Peterfalvi, Serhii Galushko, Volodymyr Kopilevich   

The school's scientific research continued under the leadership of Professor O.I. Karnaukhov. On        .issues of development of automated inversion polarography for ecological monitoring of heavy metals in environmental objects. Over the past 25 years, based on the IHP method with the participation of Professor O.I. Karnaukhov, Associate Professor V.M. Galimova, Doctor of Science Surovtsev I.V. a series of devices was created: "Chronopolarograph", "Analysis TM", M-XHA 1020 with software control and electronic display of results, M-XHA 1000-5, with software computer control and computer display of results and under the leadership of Professor Kopilevich V.A. .and. developed "Measuring system for water quality assessment based on a new modification of the inversion chronopotentiometry and chronoionometry analyzer" by contentPb, Cu, Zn, Cd, Hg, As, Ni, Co, Mn, Se, Fe, Cr, Sn, I-, K, Na, Ca, F-, NO3-, NH4+.


Scientific School of Chemistry of Phosphates and Polyphosphates

    The School of Chemistry of Phosphates and Polyphosphates of Divalent Metals at the department dates back to 1978, when Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Leonid Mykolayovych Shchegrov became the head of the department.
Under his leadership, the department developed methodical approaches to the synthesis of individual, nitrogen-containing, double phosphates of metals of macro- and microelements. Such modern research methods as qualitative and quantitative paper chromatography of polyphosphates, their ion-exchange dissolution without anion destruction, infrared spectroscopy, and thermal analysis were mastered and widely used. Scientific laboratories of phosphate synthesis and phosphate chemistry were created. In 1987, L.M. Shchehrov summarized the achievements of phosphate chemistry in the monograph "Phosphates of divalent metals", which became a reference guide for scientists in this field. The active scientific activity of the school was embodied in the training of graduate students who successfully defended their candidate theses: L.V. Trapeznikova, N.M. Antraptseva, L.V. Voytenko, T.K. Panchuk, I.H. Ponomaryova, I.V. Rudy, N.V. Ryabtseva, L.M. Degtyarenko.
Doctoral theses of Kopilevich V. A. (1994) and Antraptseva N.M. (1999) were also completed within the framework of the School of Phosphate Chemistry

Currently, the scientific department of the phosphate chemistry department is headed by Professor, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Volodymyr Abramovych Kopilevich.

Areas of his scientific activity:
- regulated synthesis of individual and nitrogen-containing phosphates of a given composition and biological activity or technical properties;
- monitoring the quality of water sources in rural areas and developing methods of monitoring biogeochemical objects by the content of heavy metals.
With his participation, more than 200 new substances were synthesized, some of which have biological activity. Under his leadership, 6 candidates of chemical sciences were trained: L.V. Voytenko, T.K. Panchuk, D.A. Savchenko, N.M. Prokopchuk, L.M. Abarbarchuk, I.D. Zhylyak..
Over 45 years of scientific research at the School of Phosphate Chemistry, teachers and graduate students have published more than 500 scientific articles, received more than 280 patents, international certificates for 3 unknown substances, developed 2 technical specifications for new types of fertilizers, synthesized and researched more than 250 chemical compounds and solid solutions. For the work "Synthesis and thermal transformations of heterometallic aquaaminophosphates" by associate professors of the Department of Analytical and Bioinorganic Chemistry and Water Quality D.A. Savchenko and N.M. Prokopchuk was awarded the Prize of the President of Ukraine for young scientists in 2012.

Scientific school of electrochemistry of non-aqueous solutions

In the period 1957-1978, Professor Yu.Ya. Gorenbein created, led and developed the direction of physical and chemical research of complex formation in non-aqueous solutions for the theoretical and practical justification of the development of chemosensors, molecular sensors, chemical current sources.
• more than 100 scientific publications on the subject of the school's research
• 10 candidates of chemical sciences were trained, among them:
 2 later became doctors of science - V.V. Sukhan (Professor, Dean of the Chemistry Faculty of KSU), A.K. Trokhymchuk (KSU professor)
 Associated profesor of USGA and the University of Food Technologies - H.G. Rusin, A.K. Beznis

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