- Головна
- History of the department
- Educational activities
- Working training programs and syllabi of disciplines
- Practice programs
- Educational and research laboratories
- Educational Laboratory of Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry named after Professor Yu.Ya. Gorenbein"
- Educational Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry and Environmental Chemistry named after Professor E.M. Skobets"
- Educational laboratory "Quality and chemical ecology of water resources"
- Research laboratory "Chemistry of phosphates and polyphosphates"
- Educational - Research laboratory "Chronopotentiometric analysis"
- Research and production laboratory "Measurement laboratory of the quality of drinking, natural, waste water"
- Scientific and scientific-methodical work of the department
- Scientific developments for practical use
- Scientific activity
- Cooperation
- Postgraduate studies
- Scientific school
- Graduate students of the department
- Working training programs and syllabuses of student training disciplines
- The project of the educational program for discussion
- Discussion in the format of a review
- Discussion of the educational and scientific program "Chemistry" in the focus of the Agrobiological Faculty
- Content of the educational and scientific program
- To students: the procedure of forming an individual educational trajectory
- Educational standards
- Entrance test program
- Program partners

Former head of the department:
Kopilevich Volodymyr Abramovych
Doctor of science (Chemistry), professor, Honored inventor of Ukraine
The department is a structural subdivision of the agrobiology faculty, carries out all types of educational, scientific, scientific-methodical, cultural-educational work in the process of training specialists of "Bachelor" and "Master" degrees in specialties 201 Agronomy, 202 Plant protection and quarantine, 203 Horticulture and viticulture, 207 Aquatic bioresources and aquaculture, 211 Veterinary medicine, 211 Veterinary hygiene, sanitation and expertise, 101 Ecology, 162 Biotechnology and bioengineering, 163 Biomedical engineering. The department carries out the training of scientific personnel through postgraduate and doctoral studies; implements the results of scientific work in the field of agroecology, hydrochemistry of the agro-industrial complex; organizes the completion of chemical and chemical-ecological training practices by students, conducts educational and career guidance work with students, carries out other activities in accordance with the statute of NUBiP of Ukraine.
The staff of the department today (from left to right)
first row: assoc. prof. L. M. Abarbarchuk, assoc. prof. O.O. Kravchenko, head of department, prof. V. A. Kopilevich, assoc. prof. T. I. Uschapivska, assoc. prof. R. V. Lavryk;
second row: senior lab K. G. Kozak, assoc. prof. V. M. Galimova, eng. 1 cat. N.Yu. Zinich, senior lab. O.V. Danylchenko, head of education lab S. V. Romanchuk, assoc. prof. T. K. Panchuk, PhD student E.A. Zalenska, PhD student A.K. Gats
third row: PhD student V.V. Chobotar, PhD student M.O. Grechaniuk
(absent from the photo: Prof. V.I. Maksin, assoc. prof. N.M. Prokopchuk, assoc. prof. L.V. Voytenko, PhD student K.A. Nesterova)