Former head of the Department
Kopilevich Volodymyr Abramovych
Тел.: +38(044)5278050
Professor, Doctor of Chemical Sciences (1994). Sorosivsky adjunct professor (1995). Member of the New York Academy of Sciences (1995). Professor of the Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry (1996). Honored Inventor of Ukraine (1998). Second degree graduate of agrarian education and science of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine (2004). Awarded with honorary diplomas of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (2008) and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2010).
Associate Professor (Docent). Head of Department
Ushchapivska Tetyana Ivanivna
Тел.: +38(044)5278095
Електронна пошта: [email protected]
Associate Professor (Docent)
Abarbarchuk Leonid Mihaylovich
Тел.: +38(044)5278095
PhD in Chemistry, associate professor. Taught academic disciplines: inorganic chemistry (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine), inorganic and analytical chemistries (Agrobiological Faculty). Author and co-author of more than 100 scientific, scientific and methodological works, including textbooks and tutorials recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine.
Associate Professor (Docent)
Voitenko Larisa Vladyslavivna
Тел.: +38(044)5278095
Електронна пошта: [email protected]
Title of Candidate Dissertation (a PhD Dissertation): Copper(II), Zinc & Cobalt(II) Hydrated Amminophosphates; V.I. Vernadsky Institute of General & Inorganic Chemistry (1994)
Publications: 141 articles in foreign and domestic scientific journals; Monograph “Bioconversion of organic waste: theory and practice” (with co-authors; in Ukrainian);Textbook “Chemistry with the foundations of Biogeochemistry” (In Ukrainian); 75 patents on the new chemicals (included 2 – in database of ASTM standards).
Associate Professor (Docent)
Galimova Valentina Mihaylivna
Тел.: +38(044)5278095
Електронна пошта: [email protected]
Associate Professor (Docent)
Kravchenko Olha Oleksandrivna
Тел.: +38(044)5278095
Електронна пошта: [email protected]
Olha Kravchenko (PhD) is Docent of Analytical, Bio-Inorganic Chemistry & Water Quality, Docent, Candidate of Biological Sciences. She graduated from this National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine with a master’s degree in environmental quality and system analysis. She received her PhD in ecology, in particular in the ecotoxicological aspectsof nanomaterials. Her research focuses on assessing the impact and safety of nanoparticles in hydroecosystems. Olha was internedat Research Limnological & Oceanographic Institute (Haifa, Israel). She was chosen a fellow of Ukranian Government for young scientists (2018-2020).Publications45 articles in foreign and domestic scientific journals.
Associate Professor (Docent)
Lavrik Ruslan Volodimirovich
Тел.: +38(044) 527-80-95
Електронна пошта: [email protected]
Topic of PhD thesis: “Synthesis and research of double phosphates of alkali and 3d metals (Mn, Co, Ni),” (2004).
Research interests: reactions in molten solutions of inorganic salts and solid-phase synthesis double phosphates with a wide range of physical and chemical properties.
Teaches courses: “Inorganic Chemistry”, “Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry” ,“Bioinorganic Chemistry”and “Analytical Chemistry” ,“for students EQL “Bachelor” different specialties
The scientific work consists of more than 300 scientific publications and methodical manuals, including the MES training manuals, the coauthor of three certified electronic training courses on the English language in a professional purpose for students of specialties 162.
Professor. Currently not working
MaksinVictor Ivanovich
Тел.: +38(044)5278095
Електронна пошта: [email protected] [email protected]
Professor, Doctor of Chemical Sciences (1996). Professor of the Department of Analytical and Bioinorganic Chemistry (2006). Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Higher School of Ukraine, academician-secretary of the "Chemistry" department (2015). Academician of the Academy of Technological Sciences of Ukraine (2017). Awarded the Diploma of the Presidium of the Verkhovna Rada of the Ukrainian SSR (1986). Award named after of Yaroslav Mudry in the field of science and technology of the Academy of Sciences of the Higher School. Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (2021). Scholarship of the President of Ukraine to outstanding scientists (2017, 2021).
The topic of the doctoral dissertation: "Physical chemistry and technology of key stages of complex processing of mineralized waters". A. V. Dumansky Institute of colloid chemistry and water chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (1996). Specialty - 02.00.23- "Environmental protection and sustainable use of natural resources"
The topic of the candidate dissertation: "Research of tungstates of rare earth metals." Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University. (1976). Specialty - 02.00.01 - "inorganic chemistry".
Associate Professor (Docent)
Panchuk Tamara Konstantinovna
Тел.: +38(044)5278095
Електронна пошта: [email protected]
Title of a Candidate Dissertation (a PhD Dissertation): Ammonium Manganese, Copper, & Zinc Diphosphates, and their Thermal Transformations; V.I. Vernadsky Institute of General & Inorganic Chemistry (1994).
Associate Professor (Docent)
Prokopchuk Nadiya Mykolayivna
Тел.: +38(044)5278095
Електронна пошта: [email protected]
Title of the candidate's dissertation (PhD dissertation) is "Cobalt(II), Nickel(II), Zinc and Copper(II) Aquaamminophosphates", Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 2009.
N. Prokopchuk is the author of more than 120 scientific and scientific-methodological publications, including 26 patents for inventions and useful models of Ukraine, 35 articles (4 in the SCOPUS scientific metric database and 2 in WoS), 9 tutorials (4 in English), 7 certified electronic training courses (co-authored).
For the work "Synthesis and Thermal Transformations of Heterometal Aquaamminophosphates" she became a laureate of the President’s Prize for Young Scientists.
Conducted research on international scientific projects: ENSURE-2 and IAEA.
Educational subjects: Inorganic and Analytical chemistry, Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry, Hydrology
Head of the laboratory
Svitlana Vasylivna Romanchuk
Тел.: (044) 527-80-95
Education: National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Agrobiological faculty. She has been working at the university since 2005.
Engineer of the 1st category
Nina Yuryivna Zinich
Тел.: (044) 527-80-95
Education: Ukrainian Agricultural Academy, specialty - agrochemistry and soil science. She has been working at the university since 1984.
Senior laboratory assistant
Kozak Kateryna Hryhorivna
Тел.: (044) 527-80-95
Education: Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, specialty - technology of electrochemical production. She has been working at the university since 2000.
Senior laboratory assistant
Olena Valeriivna Danilchenko
Тел.: (044) 527-80-95
Education: Poltava State Pedagogical Institute, specialty - teacher of chemistry and biology. He has been working at the university since 2020.