Separated subdivision of NUBiP of Ukraine «Zalishchyky State Agricultural College named after E. Khraplyvy»


Head of  Economic DepartmentStrilchuk Larysa 

Tel.: (03554) 2-28-97 

e-mail: [email protected]


General Information

The objective of  economic department is training of specialists in accordance with the time demands training youth of economics, accounting, finance, commercial activity and the formation of new economic thinking.

 The department  prepares specialists in educational and qualified levels "junior specialist" and "bachelor"

In  the process  of training of special subjects  module-rating and test system of control is used.

 The high qualification of teachers of  economic department is confirmed by the students who become winners of Olympiads and competitions every year.

The department  prepares specialists  in such directions and specialities:


EQL "Junior Specialist"

EQL "Bachelor"


5.03050901 "Accounting"


6.030509 "Accounting and Auditing"

5.03050401 "Economics of enterprise"

5.03050801 "Finance and credit"

5.03050702 "Commercial activity"

Training period

Training period


3 years


2 years



Head of Agronomic departmentRoman Andrusyk

 Tel.: (03554) 2-28-97

 e-mail: [email protected]


General Information

The main objective of Agronomic department is the formation of highly qualified  specialists to develop highly qualified, professional and concreteness of whomis determined by their ability to work in the new economic conditions.

The department  prepares specialists in educational and qualified levels "junior specialist" and "bachelor"


EQL "Junior Specialist"

EQL "Bachelor"


5.04010602 "Applied Ecology"


6.090101 "Agronomy"

5.09010103 "Production and processing of plant products"

5.09010102 "Organization and farming"

5. 05010201 "Maintenance of computer systems and networks"

Training period

Training period


4 years


2 years



Head of correspondence department - Vasyl Gagalyuk

Тел.: (03554) 2-19-76

  E-mail: [email protected]


General Information

The main objective of correspondence department is organization of training of qualified workers  without breaking their work activity, enhancing  their professional level, getting additional qualification, career development.

The department  prepares specialists in educational and qualified levels "junior specialist" and "bachelor"


EQL "Junior Specialist"

EQL "Bachelor"


5.09010103 "Production and processing of plant products"


6.090101 "Agronomy"

5.09010102 "Organization and farming"

6.030509 "Accounting and Auditing"

5.03050901 "Accounting"

5.04010602 "Applied Ecology"


Training period

Training period


3 years


2 years


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