Separated subdivision of NUBiP of Ukraine «Zalishchyky State Agricultural College named after E. Khraplyvy»


Economic Department

Head of Economic Department - Larysa Strilchuk

Tel.: (03554) 2-28-97, E-mail: [email protected]

Location: building № 1 r. 215-A

Department organizes and coordinates the training process trains young specialists and bachelors by specialities and directions

5.03050901 "Accounting"

Cyclic commission of Accounting and bookkeeping disciplines

Tel.: (03554) 2-28-97b E-mail: [email protected]

Head of cyclic commission – Mariya Papushko

5.03050801 "Economics of enterprise"

Cyclic commission of Economic disciplines

Tel.: (03554) 2-28-97b E-mail: [email protected]

Head of cyclic commission - Yaroslava Padus

5.03050702 "Funds and Credit"

Cyclic commission of Financial discipline

Tel.: (03554) 2-28-97b E-mail: [email protected]

Head of cyclic commission - Yaroslav Hoholyk

5.03050401 "Commercial Activity"

Cyclic commission of Commercial disciplines

Tel.: (03554) 2-28-97b E-mail: [email protected]

Head of cyclic commission - Galyna Sytnyk

6.030509 "Accounting and Audit"

Cyclic commission of Accounting financial and economic disciplines

Tel.: (03554) 2-28-97b E-mail: [email protected]

Head of cyclic commission – Mariya Papushko




Head of Agronomic department - Roman Andrusyk

Tel.: (03554) 2-28-97, E-mail: [email protected]

Location: building № 1 r. 215-A

Department organizes and coordinates the training process trains young specialists and bachelors by specialities and directions:

5.04010602 "Applied Ecology"

Cyclic commission of Environmental and natural sciences

Tel.: (03554) 2-28-97b E-mail: [email protected]

Head of cyclic commission - Valentyna Peryt

5.09010103 “Production and processing of crop growing”

Cyclic commission of Agronomic disciplines

Tel.: (03554) 2-28-97b E-mail: [email protected]

Head of cyclic commission Lyubov Sopivnyk

5.09010102 “Organization and technology of farming”

Cyclic commission of Agronomic disciplines

Tel.: (03554) 2-28-97b E-mail: [email protected]

Head of cyclic commission Lyubov Sopivnyk

5. 05010201 "Maintenance of computer systems and networks"

Cyclic commission of Computer Science and Computer Engineering

Tel.: (03554) 2-28-97, E-mail: [email protected]

Head of cyclic commission – Orysya Oziminska

6.090101 "Agronomy"

Cyclic commission of Agronomic disciplines

Tel.: (03554) 2-28-97b E-mail: [email protected]

Head of cyclic commission Lyubov Sopivnyk




The head of correspondence department - Vasyl Gagalyuk

Tel.: (03554) 2-19-76, E-mail: [email protected]

Location: building № 1 r. 209 of

Department organizes and coordinates the training process trains young specialists and bachelors by specialities and directions:

5.03050901 "Accounting"

Cyclic commission of Accounting and bookkeeping disciplines

Tel.: (03554) 2-28-97b E-mail: [email protected]

Head of cyclic commission – Mariya Papushko

5.09010103 “Production and processing of crop growing”

Cyclic commission of Agronomic disciplines

Tel.: (03554) 2-28-97b E-mail: [email protected]

Head of cyclic commission Lyubov Sopivnyk

5.09010102 “Organization and technology of farming”

Cyclic commission of Agronomic disciplines

Tel.: (03554) 2-28-97b E-mail: [email protected]

Head of cyclic commission Lyubov Sopivnyk

6.030509 "Accounting and Audit"

Cyclic commission of Accounting financial and economic disciplines

Tel.: (03554) 2-28-97b E-mail: [email protected]

Head of cyclic commission – Mariya Papushko

6.090101 "Agronomy"

Cyclic commission of Agronomic disciplines

Tel.: (03554) 2-28-97b E-mail: [email protected]

Head of cyclic commission Lyubov Sopivnyk




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