Separated subdivision of NUBiP of Ukraine «Zalishchyky State Agricultural College named after E. Khraplyvy»

Educational, cultural, sports and social works

Educational work has always been, is and will be an important part of the educational process. Its main goal - to create individual, endowed with social responsibility, national identity, high spiritual values, family and patriotic feelings, to create conditions for the development of creatively gifted young people, their individual qualities. Educational process of the college is both through informational enlightenment educational class, meetings with interesting people, and by involving students in amateur art activities, interest clubs, E. Khraplyvy museum, library with internet centers, sports clubs, student government.

In order to identify gifted students, the development of their creativity a work of art groups and societies are organized in college: an amateur song and dance ensemble "Khlibodary"  teachers and students  choir, the choir students (junior group), vocal ensemble "Namysto" female vocal trio vocal group "Namystynky", vocal group "Sokoly", circle pop singing (solos, duets, trios, quartets) dramatic circle "Provesin" clubs due to interests  "Svitoglyad", "Moloda simya", "Suchasnyk" CFW and sports clubs: basketball, volleyball, table tennis, soccer gym, wrestling, acrobatics, fitness group, football, weight-lifting sport, armwrestling, armsport (fight on the hands), athletics (basketball, volleyball, indoor soccer) .


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