Separated subdivision of NUBiP of Ukraine «Zalishchyky State Agricultural College named after E. Khraplyvy»


Director of College - teacher-methodologist, excellence in education of Ukraine", Volodymyr Glova

Tel.: (03554) 02/12/50, 2-32-50, E-mail: [email protected]

Address: 48600, Ternopil region, Zalishchyky, 52 Krushelnytska str.

Location: building №1 r. 216

Deputy Director for Academic Affairs - Mykhailo Sopylyuk

Tel.: (03554) 2-17-97, E-mail: [email protected]

Location: building № 1 r. 215-A

The deputy director of educational work, practical training and employment promotion – candidate of economic sciences, Ivan Mehedyn

Tel.: (03554) 2-25-97, E-mail: [email protected]

Location: building № 1 r. 205

The deputy director on educational work - Lyudmyla Atamanchuk

Tel.: (03554) 2-19-76, E-mail: [email protected]

Location: building № 1 r. 211

Deputy Director for training and production work - Yaroslav Romanovych

Tel.: (03554) 2-66-19, E-mail: [email protected]

Location: building № 1 r. 203


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