- Головна
- Historical background
- Educational work
- Educational programs
- Cultural and educational work
- International activity
- Scientific and pedagogical staff
- Research Institute of Animal Health
- Departments
- Clinic of Veterinary Medicine
- Honorary doctors and professors of NUBiP of Ukraine are recommended by the Academic Council of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Cultural and educational work
Educational work in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Education" and "Regulations on Higher Educational Institution of Ukraine" along with teaching and research is one of the main activities of the university and is mandatory for research and teaching staff.
The system of educational work is aimed at forming a proper culture of teachers, staff and students of the faculty, establishing relations between them within ethical norms and is based on universal values and national interests.
Educational work among students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is carried out according to the plans of cultural, social and educational activities developed by the Rector of NULES of Ukraine, Department of educational work and social development, educational part of NULES of Ukraine, Department of Cultural Studies, student union and student organization of NULES of Ukraine, dean`s office of the faculty of veterinary medicine and curators of academic groups.
Students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine take an active part in all activities of the cultural and educational process that take place at the university, namely the Memory Marathon “Heavenly Hundred”, song contest "Holosiyivska Vesna", contests "Beauty of NULES of Ukraine", "Beauty of Holosiyiv", concerts "For United Ukraine", "In the light of Tarasov's word", "Freshman School", flash mobs "Ukraine - Is", "Tests to determine the level of IQ among students of NULES of Ukraine", "NULES lights the stars", "NULES is the best". Every year more than 100 students of the faculty are involved in the celebration of "Dedication to Students" and the celebration of "Day of Knowledge" in NULES of Ukraine.
Our students represent the university at various international, all-Ukrainian sports competitions: "Kyiv Junior Weightlifting Championships", "All-Ukrainian Table Tennis Competitions", track and field race "Ukraine is my native country", open tug-of-war championship for “Sportsman`s Day”, the open championship of the city of Kyiv in "Kyokunshin karate", the championship of Kyiv in mini-football among women's teams, the cup of Ukraine in "Kyokunshin karate", the world championship in "Kyokunshin karate" (Japan), the Ukrainian Cup in tug of war, “Sniper NULES of Ukraine", "Sniper of the capital".
In addition, students take part in cultural and educational activities held at the faculty level, namely: mini-concerts dedicated to the awarding of diplomas to students of the faculty, dedication of first year education students, competitions "Freshman Debut", "Registration of Lovers". Significant cultural and educational work is organized by the dean's office and the student council at the dormitory level. Creative evenings dedicated to St. Valentine's Day, March 8, are organized annually, a cultural and educational event "Dormitory - our home", an intellectual game "What? Where? When?”, A festive evening and a disco dedicated to the “Student Day” and the New Year. There are competitions for the best photo "Me and the dormitory", "Me and winter", "The best student room of the month". A monthly screening of historical and patriotic feature and documentary films has been launched in the dormitory reading room.
At a holiday party at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Awarding the student of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine with the title "Beauty of NULES of Ukraine"
Performance of students of the faculty at the song contest "Golosiiv Spring"
Performance of students at the competition "Debut of a freshman"
Awarding the winners of the "Freshman Debut" contest
At the song contest in NULES of Ukrain
Celebration of Valentine's Day at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
On the game “What? Where? When?”. Teams consider the answer to the question
Students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - participants in military-sports competitions in fire training among students of NULES of Ukraine "Sniper NULES of Ukraine"
Performance of students of the faculty at a festive evening in the dormitory №6 on the occasion of the New Year 2015
Lying on barbell bench competitions among students of NULES of Ukraine
Students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - winners of NULES of Ukraine competitions in volleyball among women's teams
Students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - winners of NULES of Ukraine competitions in weightlifting
Mentors of academic groups for first-year students organize excursions to the museum of the city of Kyiv, in particular the State Museum of T.G. Shevchenko, Museum of Literature, Museum of Chernobyl, Museum of Sophia of Kyiv, Museum of the Great Patriotic War, Museum of the Sixties, National Museum of Folk Architecture and Life of Ukraine (Pirogiv), as well as theaters: National Academic Drama Theater named after Ivan Franko, National Academic Theater of Russian Drama Lesya Ukrainka and others.
Students of the faculty at the international competition "Goloseev Spring - 2018"