- Головна
- Historical background
- Educational work
- Educational programs
- Cultural and educational work
- International activity
- Scientific and pedagogical staff
- Research Institute of Animal Health
- Departments
- Clinic of Veterinary Medicine
- Honorary doctors and professors of NUBiP of Ukraine are recommended by the Academic Council of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Historical background
The history of the faculty begins with the agricultural branch of the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.
On September 27, 1920, the Department of Higher Schools of Kyiv under the chairmanship of academician V. Vernadskiy issued an order to open the Veterinary Faculty in the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.
Academician Vernadskyy V.I.
An excerpt from the report of the Ukrainian Society of Veterinarians S. Puchkovskiy "Considerations on the opening in Ukraine of the new Veterinary Institute"
On the 15th of November, the classes began at the faculty. Third of June in 1921 was a day when the decision about separating the veterinary faculty from the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute and to establishing on its basis an independent Kyiv Veterinary and Zootechnical Institute were made.
Building of Kyiv Veterinary and Zootechnical Institute (1922)
Special role in the organization and establishment of this institute belongs to its directors, professors V.K. Lindemann (1921-1922), F.Z. Omelchenko (1922-1924), A.K. Skorokhodko (1924-1926), A.P. Lyubchenko (1926-1937).
Lindeman V.K. Omelchenko F.Z. Skorokhodko A.K. Lyubchenko A.P.
The first graduation in the veterinary faculty took place in 1924. The diplomas of a veterinary doctor have received only 9 graduates.
An important role in the development and strengthening of the authority of the Institute belongs to person who graduated in 1925, a prominent specialist in the field of veterinary surgery Ivan Omelyanovich Povazhenko. One of the first was awarded the title of Honored Scientist of the Ukrainian SSR (1943).
Povazhenko I.O. Kasyanenko V.G.
In 1922-1926 he studied and at the same time worked at the department of anatomy V. Kasyanenko. He became a doctor of veterinary sciences, a professor, an academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Since 1932 he headed the department of anatomy. He later headed the department of evolutionary morphology and was director of the Institute of Zoology of the URSR Academy of Sciences.
Maxim Fedotovich Gulyi was graduated from the veterinary faculty in 1929. He has devoted his entire life to biochemical science. Quantity of his scientific works is more than 560. Ten doctoral works and 70 candidate's theses have been performed under his direction. Among his students have been graduated such well-known scientists, academicians of the National Academy of Sciences and Ukrainian Academy of Sciences as Gennadiy K. Matsuka, Dmytro O. Melnychuk and Mikhail D. Kursky.
Maxim Fedotovich Guliy
In the middle of 1930s, the Kyiv Veterinary Institute was formed as a “fence” of veterinary staff. The Institute has created the best conditions for the training of doctors. The departments were equipped with first-class equipment. The institute consisted of an exemplary veterinary hospital, a fundamental library, a research farm, a student dormitory and housing in the city center for lecturers. Director of the Institute A. Lyubchenko found the best lecturers and put them together in the institute.
Clinic of the Kyiv Veterinary and Zootechnical Institute
The institute consisted of well-known scientists: M. Delone, D. Diachenko, S. Dubrova, S. Ivanov, D. Kalkatin, O. Kachanovsky, S. Krashenkiv, P. Kucherenko, M. Nashadimenko, F. Omelchenko, O. Skovoroda-Zachinayev, A. Ternichenko, V. Ustyantsev, F. Ceszkiewski, V. Chagovets, O. Chernyakhivsky, N. Shcherbyna, H. Yurkiv and others.
Main educational building of the Kyiv Veterinary Institute
Well-known scientists left a bright mark in the pre-war history of the Kyiv Veterinary Institute: professors M.P. Vateshko, F.M. Ponomarenko, S.Y. Yaroslav, associate professors K.I. Dmitriev, O.S. Korotych, who were awarded orders and medals for the successful implementation of the government's task of studying stachybotriotoxicosis.
The 1930s brought not only fame to staff and students, but some of them were persecuted and repressed.
During the pre-war period, the Institute has graduaded 1185 veterinarians. Ten professors, 16 candidates of science have been working here. A significant number of graduates after the end of the faculty devoted themselves to educational and scientific activities, among them: professors O.G. Beznosenko, A.A. Boyko, G.O. Himmelreich, I.S. Zagayevsky, S.F. Manziy, I.S. Nagorny and many others. A graduate of 1941, Didovets Serhiy Razumovych headed the veterinary service of Ukraine for about 30 years.
During the Great Patriotic War from 1941 to 1944, the Kyiv Veterinary Institute was evacuated to Sverdlovsk, where it operated as a faculty within the Agricultural Institute.
During the Great Patriotic War, students and staff of the Veterinary Institute took part in the fighting. Many of them gave their lives for the honor and freedom of the Motherland. This is the director of the institute R.V. Pryazhko, assistants S.Y. Kulik, Y.M. Goroviy, S.М. Brusilovskiy, A.K. Linda, technician specialist P.I. Grebelnik, students D.M. Lopatko, G.G. Pasmenko, P.G. Shupta, employees G.G. Solovey, P.Y. Hrytsyk, employees of the military department D. Danylevych, V. Lindenberg and many others.
After the liberation of Kyiv the University began restoration of the educational process at the faculty.
It was incredibly difficult for the leadership of the institute and the faculty to organize the educational process and rebuild the buildings at the site of the ruins.
The building of the Institute after the liberation of Kyiv (now the building №3 of the NULES of Ukraine) in 1943
Reconstruction in 1946
On the 1st of October in 1944, 200 first year students began their studies. In post-war years the institute was housed in clinics on the street Vasylkivska, 17.
In the early 50's all faculties of the veterinary faculty were provided with new furniture, tools and equipment. The Institute has acquired X-ray equipment for examination of large animals. The clinics of the university had a playground for the reception of sick animals and a large inpatient unit.
In 1957 the Institute on the rights of the faculty became a member of the Ukrainian Agricultural Academy. Since then, the faculty was headed by deans, professors G.O. Himmelreich (1952-1977), S.I. Bratyukha (1977-1980), P.Y. Rogovskyi (1980-1984).
It is extremely pleasant to note among the large cohort of graduates of the 60s the reformer of agrarian education, academician, Hero of Ukraine, Dmytro O. Melnychuk, academicians G.O. Khmelnytsky, A.I. Zaviryukha, corresponding member of NAAS of Ukraine V.P. Ryzhenko, Hero of Ukraine M.S. Vasylchenko.
Since 1985 the veterinary faculty is located at the address of the street Polkovnyka Potekhina, 16, educational building № 12. Since 1984, the faculty was headed by professors A.Y. Mazurkevich (1984-1988 and 1993-2000), S.K. Rudyk (1988-1993), M.I. Tsvilikhovskiy (2000-2002), V.Y. Lubeckij (2002-2006), V.B. Dukhnitsky (2006-2009), M.P. Prus (2009-2015). Currently, the dean of the faculty is a doctor (Biological Sciences), professor, academician of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine M.I. Tsvilikhovskiy.
In 1991, the Veterinary Faculty was renamed the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Since 1992, the Faculty has been a member of the European Association of Veterinary Educational Institutions (EAEVE).
Since June 29 in 2001, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine become a part of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Veterinary Medicine and the Quality and Safety of Livestock Products created in accordance with current legislation and the Statute of the University.
Educational building № 12
There is a lot to be said about each graduation of the faculty. But we would like to highlight the graduates who, in different years, lead or leaded the Service of Veterinary Medicine in the regions of Ukraine and regions of past USSR, who were ministers, rectors of institutes, directors, and responsible employees: I.Y. Bisyuk, P.A. Tsvilikhivskiy, M.V. Aishapur, V.V Andrushchenko, A.F. Obrazhey, О.A. Vlasenko, G.V. Slyvka, S.V. Aranchiy, M.B. Ashepa, O.I. Basanets, S.I. Maksymchuk, V.V. Bashinskiy, V.M. Bezsmertnyy, G.K. Bozhko, A.A. Boyko, V.M. Vasilevskiy, A.I. Verbovikov, Y.I. Havel, V.M. Gorzheev, S.R. Didovets, G.S. Dragan, O.O. Dudko, O.V. Zhuk, V.O. Ivanenko, A.V. Ilchenko, S.V Knysh, V.I. Koval, V.F. Kovpak, A.O. Kolesnik, M.V. Korotchenko, V.I. Kulish, P.S. Lysak, Y.F. Momot, O.I. Moskalenko, V.V. Naumchuk, V.S. Nikolskiy, P.S. Onishchenko, A.I. Overchuk, M.S. Pavlenko, M.V. Patsyuk, O.M. Priyma, V.A Pryskoka, M.M. Raicis, P.O. Romanyuk, G.F. Savchenko, I.F. Savchenko, Y.P. Smiyan, V.N. Stepanenko, V.K. Solomaha, Y.A. Sobko, S.P. Taranenko, V.O. Fedorov, I.F. Khrabustovskiy, M.M. Scherbak and many others.
Currently, the priority task of the faculty is the training of highly skilled specialists for the veterinary medicine industry in Ukraine.