Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Адреса: 03127, Kyiv, Potekhina str.16, building 12

Тел.: (044) 527-82-98

Електронна пошта: [email protected]

Dean of Faculty:
Mykola I. Tsvilikhovskiy

Academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences, Doctor of Science (Biology), Professor


Invitation to celebration of 100th years of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Ukrainian Agricultural Academy, Ukrainian State Agrarian University, National Agrarian University, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

   The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine carries out training of specialists in the field of "Veterinary Medicine" for the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine. Currently, the training is carried out in the educational degrees "Bachelor" and "Master". For now more than 1300 students study at the faculty. The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is a scientific and methodological center of veterinary education for future students of this profile in Ukraine. Regular sessions of the scientific-methodical Commission of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine on the specialty "Veterinary Medicine", different scientific conferences, symposiums, meetings of a national and international character are held in our university.

   The main purpose. Training of highly skilled, competitive veterinarians according to world standards; the professional management of the herd's health and the quality and safety of the livestock products during its production, transportation, processing, storage and sale; development and introduction into practice of innovative methods of diagnostics and prevention of diseases and treatment of animals.


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