- Головна
- Historical background
- Educational work
- Educational programs
- Cultural and educational work
- International activity
- Scientific and pedagogical staff
- Research Institute of Animal Health
- Departments
- Clinic of Veterinary Medicine
- Honorary doctors and professors of NUBiP of Ukraine are recommended by the Academic Council of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Educational programs
The educational process at the faculty is realized in the form of classes (lectures, practical, laboratory, seminar, individual classes, consultations), independent work of students, practical training and accounting and control activities.
Practical training of students takes place in the form of field clinical and laboratory classes, training and industrial practices. Bases for practical training are Training and Research and Production Clinical Center "Vetmedservice" and training and research farms of NULES of Ukraine, State Research Institute for Laboratory Diagnostics and Veterinary Sanitary Examination, livestock farms of various forms of ownership, veterinary clinics, Kyiv Racecourse Park, Kyiv Zoo, Kyiv Laboratories of veterinary examination of markets and meat processing plants, Research institutes of NAS and NAAS of Ukraine, enterprises of veterinary medicine of Ukraine. Some students undergo practical training and internships in higher veterinary schools and veterinary clinics of foreign countries, in accordance with bilateral agreements.
Based on the results of clinical training and practical training, students perform research work in the circles of the Student Scientific Society (SSS) under the guidance of doctors and candidates of science. According to the results of their own research, the group members report at conferences, publish results of their work in journals and collections of scientific papers.
EDUCATIONAL PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM "Veterinary Medicine" of the second (master's) level of higher education in the specialty 211 "Veterinary Medicine" in the field of knowledge 21 "Veterinary Medicine" (qualification: veterinary medicine doctor) - 5 years. EDUCATIONAL PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM "Veterinary Medicine" of the second (master's) level of higher education in the specialty 211 "Veterinary Medicine" in the field of knowledge 21 "Veterinary Medicine" (qualification: veterinary medicine) - 6 years.