Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Educational work

Masters education

   The training of masters at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine began in the 60s of the last century, but it concerned only students from Africa, South America, Asia and Europe countries. For Ukrainian students, training for EQL "Master" (specialty 8.130501 - Veterinary Medicine) was initiated in 1997 as part of the reform of higher education in Ukraine in order to bring it closer to European standards. The teaching staff of the Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Quality and Safety of Livestock Products of NULES of Ukraine (hereinafter - NIS) developed exclusive master's programs, which on the basis of modern scientific achievements provide an opportunity to deepen professional knowledge and learn the basics of research in all areas of “Veterinary medicine”.

   The origins of the first master's programs at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine are prominent Ukrainian scientists and teachers: professors D.O. Melnychuk, А.Y. Mazyrkevich, V.А. Yablonskyi and others, thanks to which it became possible to be among the first faculties of veterinary medicine in the post-Soviet countries to make the transition to a qualitatively new level of training of the specialists.

   In order to increase the efficiency of training specialists at the educational and qualification level "Master" of the specialty "Veterinary Medicine" in NULES of Ukraine on December 24, 2001 the Training and Research Center (TRC) of Veterinary Medicine of Productive, Domestic and Exotic Animals was established. Professors Lyubetsky V.Y. (2002), Yablonskyi V.A. (2002-2004), associate professor Lakatosh V.M. (2004-2012) headed it in different years. The last head of the Educational and Scientific Center before its termination was professor Dukhnytskyi V.B. (from October 1, 2010 to 2014). The educational and research center was created by uniting the clinical departments of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine close in profile: obstetrics, gynecology and biotechnology of animal reproduction; veterinary and sanitary examination; epizootology and organization of veterinary affairs; parasitology and tropical veterinary medicine; therapy and clinical diagnosis; pharmacology and toxicology; surgery named after academician І.О. Povazhenko.

   During the existence of the master's degree at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, more than 400 masters in the specialty "Veterinary Medicine" were trained, who successfully work in the national economy of Ukraine.

Master's programs

   In 2014-2015 the training of masters on the basis of the educational and qualification level of bachelor in master's specialty 8.11010102 "Veterinary and sanitary examination, quality and safety of livestock products" was started. For the first time the master's program "Veterinary support of troops" within the master's specialty 8.11010101 "Veterinary medicine (by types)" and was introduced and the enrollment of students in the following programs of industrial specialization: "Veterinary preventive technologies for animal health", "Veterinary support of livestock, sheep and goat breeding", "Veterinary health care for dogs and cats", "Veterinary care for pig breeding", "Veterinary care for horse breeding", "Veterinary care for poultry", "Veterinary care for fish farming", "Veterinary health care for exotic and wild animals", "Veterinary Pharmacy", "Veterinary Hygiene and Sanitation". Training of masters of expert-analytical direction will be carried out according to the following master's programs: "Pathomorphological diagnosis of animal diseases", "Methods of biochemical research", "Veterinary and sanitary examination of agricultural and food products","Microbiological diagnostic methods in animal husbandry and veterinary medicine", and masters-researchers in research specialization programs: "Cellular technologies in veterinary medicine and biology", "Biomorphology of vertebrates", "Physiology of higher nervous activity of animals".

   Thus, in the 2014-2015 academic year, master's degree training is carried out in two specialties and 18 master's programs, of which 11 - industrial specialization, 4 - industrial specialization of expert-analytical direction, 3 - research specialization.

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