Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Honorary doctors and professors of NUBiP of Ukraine are recommended by the Academic Council of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

   The title Honorary Doctor and Honorary Professor of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, in accordance with the decision of the Academic Council of the University, was introduced in 1998. Among the honors of these titles are those that were recommended by the Academic Council of our Faculty of Veterinary Medicine


Filaret (in the world Michael Antonovich Denysenko) - the Most Holy Patriarch of Kyiv and All Russ-Ukraine, the Holy Archimandrite of the Assumption Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, the Honorary Member of the Department of Animal Anatomy. acad. V.G. Kasyanenko NUBiP of Ukraine - 09/29/2014 About awarded honors




Roman Kolach - Rector of the University of Wroclaw, Habilitated Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor common (Wroclaw, Poland) - April 22, 2015 About awarded honors






Dostoevsky P. Pavel  - Main State Inspector of Veterinary Medicine of Ukraine - Head of the State Department of Veterinary Medicine of the Ministry of Agro-Industrial Complex of Ukraine – 1998





Pavel Stanislav Sysa - Habilitated Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor Common, Professor of the Department of Morphological Sciences of the Main School of Agriculture in Warsaw, Honorary Member of the Department of Anatomy of Animals. acad. V.G. Kasyanenko NUBiP of Ukraine (Warsaw, Poland) - 30.09.2013 About awarded honors




Alina Yanina Velychko - Vice-rector for international activities and cooperation with the regions of the Wroclaw Natural University, Habilitated Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor General, Professor of the Department of Infectious Diseases, Honorary Member of the Department of Animal Anatomy. acad. V.G. Kasyanenko, NUBiP of Ukraine (Wroclaw, Poland), - 05/26/2014. About awarded honors




Joseph Marian Nietzpin - Habilitated Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor General, Professor of the Department of Internal Medicine of the University of Wroclaw, Member of the Law of the Knights of the Order of the Golden Deer, Honorary Member of the Department of Animals Anatomy. acad. V.G. Kasyanenko NUBiP Ukraine (Wroclaw, Poland) - 25.05.2016

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