Department of Physiology of Vertebrates and Pharmacology

Educational work


For the students of degree "Bachelor" taught courses: "Medicinal Plants", "Veterinary Pharmacology", "Veterinary Toxicology". 

For the students of degree "Master" taught courses: "Pharmacognosy", "Pharmaceutical Chemistry", "Toxicological Chemistry", "pharmacy", "Pharmaceutical Technology", "Clinical Pharmacology", "Clinical Pharmacy", "Pre-clinical and clinical studies of veterinary medicinal products".

The study of these subjects performed during lectures, laboratory work and individual work. At the disciplines of "Veterinary Toxicology", "Pharmacy" and "Pharmaceutical technology" students perform coursework.

The practical training of students is performed on the laboratory lessons, educational and manufacturing practice.

The educational practice at the discipline of "Medicinal Plants" implies the study of wild flora and cultivated medicinal plants. The base of practical training is Golosiivskyi forest, phyto center NULES and laboratory of the department.

The educational practice at the discipline of "Veterinary Pharmacology" involves the study of the making technology of galenicals, soft and liquid dosage forms, preparing of herbarium medicinal plants, familiarity with manufacturing activities of pharmaceutical companies.

The manufacturing (master) practice is performed according a program that carry out tasks on each discipline of the master program of "Veterinary Pharmacy". Location of manufacturing practices is pharmaceutical companies, pharmaceutical storehouse, veterinary pharmacies etc.

At the department performed continuing education of heads and chemists toxicologists of the chemical-toxicological departments of veterinary medicine laboratories and training of heads and worker of the pharmacy veterinary medicine according to educational and thematic programs.


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