Department of Physiology of Vertebrates and Pharmacology

Educational work

211 - "Veterinary Medicine"
212 - "Veterinary hygiene, sanitation and examination"
The Department of Physiology of Vertebrate and Pharmacology coordinates the Master's Program of Production Direction "Veterinary Pharmacy"

204 - "Technology of production and processing of livestock products"
229 - “Public Health ՚ I”
017– “Physical Culture and Sports”

The department provides teaching of the following disciplines
Animal physiology (specialty 211 - "Veterinary Medicine", full and shortened time of study)
Animal Physiology (specialty 211 - "Veterinary Medicine", program "Veterinary support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine")
Physiology of farm animals (specialty 204 - "Technology of production and processing of livestock products")
Healthy nutrition (specialty 229 - "Public Health ՚ I")
Physiology of motor activity and sports (specialty 017– “Physical Culture and Sport”)
Veterinary pharmacology (specialty 211 - "Veterinary medicine", full and shortened time of study)
Veterinary pharmacology (specialty 211 - "Veterinary medicine", shortened term of study)
Veterinary pharmacology (specialty 211 - "Veterinary medicine", program "Veterinary support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine")
Veterinary pharmacology (specialty 212 - "Veterinary hygiene, sanitation and examination")
Veterinary toxicology (specialty 211 - "Veterinary medicine", full and shortened time of study)
Veterinary toxicology (specialty 211 - "Veterinary medicine", program "Veterinary provision of troops (forces)")
Veterinary toxicology (specialty 212 - "Veterinary hygiene, sanitation and examination")
Discipline at a student's choice
Selective Block 1. Free choice by specialty
  • Neurophysiology with the basics of zoopsychology
  • Medicinal plants in veterinary medicine
  • The basics of veterinary pharmacy
  • Clinical pharmacology
  • Clinical toxicology
  • Veterinary mycotoxicology
  • Fundamentals of rational antimicrobial therapy
Selective block 2. Specialization "Veterinary Pharmacy"
  • Pharmacy and pharmaceutical technology
  • Preclinical and clinical studies of medicines
  • Clinical veterinary pharmacology and clinical pharmacy
The educational process at the Department of Physiology of Vertebrate and Pharmacology is based on conducting lectures, laboratory and practical classes, performing students of course and diploma works, conducting conferences, round tables, seminars, meetings with leading practitioners. In recent years, the retraining and advanced training of veterinary specialists have become priority tasks. The department operates postgraduate studies and doctoral studies.
Classes in training audiences, research laboratories and directly at the enterprises are conducted by highly qualified specialists, associate professors and professors. Research laboratories are used for laboratory-practical classes.

Educational practice is conducted by agreement on pharmaceutical enterprises, in veterinary pharmacies, etc.

Educational Practice of the Discipline "Veterinary Pharmacology": applicants of Higher Education visited Browarma 
The fruitful pedagogical work and scientific achievements of the staff of the department are reflected in textbooks, textbooks, monographs, scientific-methodical and educational-methodical recommendations/instructions, as well as copyright certificates and patents. Scientific and pedagogical staff have developed a number of electronic educational courses in the main and selective disciplines, which are taught at the department.
In the educational process actively used YouTube channel of the department
Postgraduate education of heads and toxicologists of chemical-toxicological departments of veterinary medicine laboratories and advanced training of the heads of veterinary medicine pharmacies is carried out according to educational and themed programs.
Students and students of postgraduate education take place in educational laboratories: "Medicinal Plants", "Veterinary Pharmacology", "Veterinary Toxicology", and educational and production laboratory "Veterinary toxicology and pharmacy", etc.
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