Scientific activity
Scientific schools
Sinters of Schools in the direction of animal physiology
Chagovets Vasyl Yurievich
Scientific direction: animal physiology. The first theory of biopotentials from the change in the concentration of ions was of great importance for the further development of research in electrophysiology. He substantiated the basic principles of ionic theory of excitation.
Followers: Chernihivsky VN, Buligin IA, Truthy-Neninsky VV, Lenik MV
Yaroslav Semen Yurievich
Scientific trend: he conducted interesting studies on the revitalization of human and animal embryos, subjected himself to self -infection in order to establish the etiology of an "unknown disease" - stachiobotriotoxicosis, did a lot to study the processes of digestion in ruminants.
Followers: Dr. Biol. n. Naumenko VV, D. Biol. Professor Lyashchenko PS, D. Biol. Professor Oliynyk BV, Ph.D. Biol. n. Dyachinsky AS
Training of scientific personnel: prepared 3 doctors and 12 candidates of sciences.
Fediy Yevgeny Maksimovich
Scientific direction: examined the effect of raw tissue on the activity of enzymes of the digestive tract in animals.
Followers: Biol. Associate Professor Derevyanko ID
Training of Scientific Persons: Prepared 15 Candidates of Sciences
Naumenko Vladimir Vasilyevich
Scientific direction: examined the relationship of the type of higher nervous activity with the productivity of pigs, most deeply studied the age -specific features of conditional reflexes in experimental animals, developed a method of determining the types of pig nervous system in production conditions, developed a new method of vaccination of animals against infectious diseases; He was the head of the development of radio -telemetric registration of heart work in pigs.
Followers: Candidate of Biol, Associate Professor Trokoz VA, Vet. Associate Professor Velichko SV, Vet. Associate Professor Kladnitskaya LV, Ph.D. , Shubenko OI, Ph.D. Biol. N., Zotko MO
Training of scientific personnel: prepared 7 candidates of sciences.
Karpovsky Valentin Ivanovich
Scientific direction: physiology and pathology of higher nervous activity and adaptation.
Followers: Vet. Associate Professor Kostenko VM, Ph.D. Professor Danchuk OV, D. Vet. Professor Zhurenko OV, Doctor of Vetter, Professor Posta RV, and others.
Training of scientific personnel: prepared 5 doctors of sciences and 14 candidates of sciences; Dr. Philosophy (PhD) - 3
Scientific schools in the field of pharmacology and toxicology
Scientific School of Bazhenov Sergey Vasilyevich
Scientific direction: toxicology of non -protein compounds of nitrogen (urea, nitrates, nitritis) - study of pathogenesis, development of methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention, history of veterinary medicine. Professor Bazhenov SV He was the founder of veterinary toxicology in Ukraine. With his active participation, the study of toxic properties of combat poisonous substances for animals was started.
Followers: Doctor of Sciences, Professor, Academician of NAASU Khmelnitsky GO, Doctor of Vetter, Professor, Academician of NAA Mazurkevich AI, Candidate of Science. Aunts VA; Candidate of Veta Stepanyuk VD, Ph.D., Associate Professor Slepchenko VM, Ph.D.
Training of scientific personnel: prepared 1 Doctor of Science, 17 Candidates of Sciences.
Scientific School of Khmelnytsky Grigory Alexandrovich
Scientific direction: mycotoxicosis of animals - development of methods of diagnosis, treatment, prevention. The efforts of Professor Khmelnitsky G.O. and his followers have developed methods of testing mycotoxins in feed using biological test objects (Cress-Sata, Daphnia and Cereodaphnia, Sperm of Bugai), improved and improved and improved and
Valid methods for determining deoxynivalenole, zealanone, T-2 toxin with gas-ortoid chromatography.
Followers: Doctor of Sciences, Professor Dukhnitsky VB, Ph.D. Dorzhn Sanja, Ph.D. Novitsky KM; Candidate of Science in Zhu, Associate Professor Boyko GV, Candidate of Science in Zhi, Associate Professor Ishchenko VD, Candidate of Science Korzunenko VD and others.
Training of scientific personnel: prepared 2 doctors of sciences and 15 candidates of sciences.