Department of Veterinary epidemiology and animal health

Useful information for students and applicants

    Attention! Consulting and preparatory courses for External Independent Evaluation
Details by phone: +38(067)766-47-53
   Booklet Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, NULES of Ukraine
Invitation to study for school graduates
Invitation to study for colleges’ and technical schools’ graduates
   Electronic educational resources for students of "Master" education degree in disciplines:
1.    Information technologies in veterinary medicine
2.    Preventive veterinary technologies of infectious diseases of ruminants
3.    Preventive technologies for ensuring the health of horses
   Electronic educational resources for students of " Bachelor" education degree in disciplines:
1.    Organization and economy of veterinary affairs
   Class schedule and working out schedule at the Department of Epizootology and Organization of Veterinary Affairs:
1.    Class schedule for students of "Bachelor" education degree of the 3rd and 4th year in the disciplines "Epizootology and infectious diseases" and "Organization and economy of veterinary affairs"
2.    Class schedule for students of "Master" education degree of the 1st year of study
3.    Class schedule for students of "Master" education degree of the 2nd year of study
4.    Schedule of working out missed classes at the Department of Epizootology and Organization of Veterinary Affairs
   Methodological recommendations for students of "Master" education degree
   Methodological guidelines for the educational practice for students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in the discipline "Epizootology and Infectious Diseases"
   Methodological recommendations for performing coursework in the discipline "Epizootology and Infectious Diseases"
   Methodological recommendations for the determination of economic losses and economic efficiency for "Master" education degree
Information for applicants
1.    Admission rules
2.    Booklet Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, NULES of Ukraine
3.    Invitation to study for school graduates
4.    Invitation to study for colleges’ and technical schools’ graduates

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