Events calendar
21.06.2010 – 27.06.2010
The colleague of the department of physics was awarded the title of Laureate of State Prize of Ukraine
June 21, 2010
Doctor of Sciences Professor Georgiy O. →
June 22 - Day of mourning and remembrance of war victims in Ukraine foto
June 22, 2010
June 22 - day of mourning. This day in 1941 Fascist Germany attacked the USSR. The attack began with air bombardments of the capital of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic - Kyiv. →
Results of the XXII International Agroindustrial Exhibition "Agro-2010" foto
June 23, 2010
15-19 June 2010 in the National Complex "Expocentre of Ukraine" was conducted the XXII International Agro industrial Exhibition "Agro-2010", under which the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine exhibited their educational and scientific achievements, which marked 140 diplomas, certificates and gratitude. →
Best graduate department
June 24, 2010
Congratulate employees of the department of animal breeding and genetics named after M.A. Kravchenko of NUBiP of Ukraine as the best graduate department in 2009 among higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine in the direction of specialists 6.090102 "Technology of production and processing of livestock products. →
Золота медаль XXII Міжнародної виставки-ярмарку „АГРО-2010” foto
June 24, 2010
Кафедра технічного сервісу та інженерного менеджменту ім. М.П. →
Zhemoydi O.V. was awarded the Prize of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for outstanding achievements in the development of Ukraine
June 25, 2010
According to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from 16 June, 2010. № 1234 Zhemoydi O.V., Associate Professor of the department of State Administration of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, was awarded the prize for outstanding achievements of young people in the development of Ukraine for 2009. →
Saturday, Sunday
Scientific seminar on the 100-th birthday of Doctor of Veterinary Science, Professor I.S. Nagornyiy
June 27, 2010
June 27, 2010 scientific workshop will be held on the 100-th birthday of Doctor of Veterinary Science, Professor I.S. Nagornyiy.Tel.: (044) 527-83-46, 527-89-24 - Viktor M. Lakatosh. →