5th Food Safety Congress in Poland: realities and prospects foto
November 20, 2018
Socrates believed that raising youth was better than being a public figure, as the one who taught many to rule was more useful than the one who ruled himself. The scientific and pedagogical staff of the Faculty of Food Technology and Quality Control of Agricultural Products are co →
Young scientist of NUBiP of Ukraine Svitlana Bilous is the winner of 2018 Emerging Biotech Leaders of Ukraine Award foto
November 14, 2018
Associate Professor of the Department of Botany, Dendrology and Forestry Selection, Svitlana Bilous, became the winner of the award for young biotechnology scientists from the U.S. - Ukraine Foundation (USUF). →
NUBiP scientists participated in the 8th Annual Meeting of ConDDEFFS foto
November 12, 2018
It has already become a tradition to hold annual conferences of deans and directors of European forestry faculties and schools that are devoted to common problems of training forestry specialists. The 8th Annual Meeting of Deans and Directors of European Forestry Faculties a →
Cooperation with Slovak University of Agriculture continues foto
November 8, 2018
Head of the Department of Stock Exchange Activity and Trade, Nadiya Reznik, visited Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra at the invitation of Dean Elena G →
NUBiP of Ukraine attracts foreigners: Algerian students want to become German translators foto
November 5, 2018
This September, freshmen who decided to major in German philology joined the student family of the Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy. →
Experience exchange with Lithuanian colleagues: technology transfer foto
October 26, 2018
Technology transfer is an instrument that allows to transform scientific achievements into a business product. →
University scientists on the formation and preservation of garden and park objects at the International Conference in Lithuania foto
October 25, 2018
Landscape Creation Process International Scientific Conference was held at Kaunas Forestry and Environmental Engineering University of Applied Sciences →
ICA Rectors and Deans Forum 2018 in the Netherlands foto
October 25, 2018
ICA Rectors and Deans Forum 2018 was held at Wageningen University and Research on October 24-26, 2018. →
MBA Master's Program received its second International Certificate of Accreditation! foto
October 7, 2018
2018 became the year of International Accreditation at the Faculty of Agricultural Management. On October 5, 2018, the MBA Master's program received the second International Accreditation Certificate from the AgriMBA ICA Standing Comm →
New perspectives of the development of agroforestry foto
October 23, 2018
Ministry of agriculture of Hungary, under auspices of FOREST EUROPE and FAO, hosted an international workshop «Understanding the contribution of agroforestry to landscape resilience in Europe» on October 9-10, 2018. The workshop is organized with the aim to put into practice the Madrid Mini →