Department of Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology of Animals

Scientific work

In 2014 one research topic was carried out at the department:

 1. “Theoretical foundations development for monitoring performance of pets’ breeding resources in Ukraine” (№ 110 /61 -f ) Supervisor – V.I. Sheremeta, Dr. Sc., professor. The total amount of money is 140 thousand  hryvnyas.

 Training and teaching staff of the department performed the scientific work on 3 initiative topics that are of state registration:

 1. Species features of spontaneous and induced somatic mutagenesis of pets (0111U006756) Head of research - Kostenko S.A., Associate Professor

2. The influence of candidate genes for economic value of domestic pig (0107U007936) Head of research - Kostenko S.A., Associate Professor

 3. Method improvement on artificial breeding of queen bees families’ educators (0109U0071059) Head of research – V.I. Sheremeta, Professor. Responsible performer - Vedmid I.V., graduate student

 Key indicators of research

Four methods are identified, the use of which provides the definition of the true origin of breeding animals; identify the individuals carrier of hidden genetic defects; of selection marker (MAS- selection) in dairy cattle herds. Genetic control methodology has been established on the course selection process in herds of cattle on the frequency dynamics of marker genes.

 The effective schemes of cows and boars’ reproductive ability had been elaborated using biologically active drugs of neurotropic and metabolic action “Glyutam 1M”, “Stymulin Vet”, ‘Shans” and “Yantargin”.

 Inventive activity

In recent years 5 patents for invention and utility model were received:

1. Pat. 72 898 Stimulation method of boars’ reproductive ability in the extensive use of sex / Sheremeta V.I., Novytskyi V.P. // U 201204196 04.04.2012 issued on 27.08.2012 №16.

2. Pat. 72 899 Assessment method of boars’ reproductive ability on sperm efficiency index / Sheremeta V.I., Opanasenko O.S. // u 201204197 04.04.2012 issued on 27.08.2012 №16.

3. Pat. 73 604 Stimulation method of follicles ovulation in the ovaries of female cattle / Sheremeta V.I., Gruntkovsky M.S. // U 201204690 04.04.2012 issued on 25.09.2012 №18.

4. Pat. 74 447 Determination method of the animals’ functional state / Sheremeta V.I., Gruntkovsky M.S. // U 201112571 25.10.2012 issued on 25.10.2012 №20.

5. Pat. 69 389 Stimulation method of sows’ reproductive capacity / Sheremeta V.I., Bezverha L.M. // U 201204196 04.04.2012 issued on 25.04.2012 №8.

6. Pat. 94 191 Increase method on derivability of ostrich eggs / Sakhatsky M.I., Osadcha Yu.V., Kuchynska Yu.P., Koval M.E. // № 2010 05103; issued on 11.04.2011. Bull. № 7

7. Pat. 79 290 Selection method of ostriches for tribal use / Sakhatskyi M.I., Osadcha Yu.V., Kuchynska Yu.P., Koval M.E. // №2010 05 103; issued on 25.04.2013. Bull. № 8

 Materials prepared in 2014 by the results of the research:

1. Kostenko S.O. Micro-populated processes in the families of different breeds / S.O. Kostenko // Bulletin of biology and medicine issues. – 2014. - Vol. 1 (106). - P. 57-60.

2. Kostenko S. O. Polymorphism cytogenetic indices of somatic mutagenesis / S.O. Kostenko // Scientific reports of NULES of Ukraine [electronic resource] - 2014 -№ 1 (43) - 13 p. - Mode of access to the journal .: Http: //

3. Kurylenko Yu.F. Evaluation of interbreed horses differentiation by the use of ISSR- markers // Yu.F. Kurylenko, I.O. Suprun Actual problems of intensive livestock development Collection of studies 2014. – Ed. 17 - Part 2 - P. 89 - 96.

4. Kurylenko Yu.F. Monitoring of genetic polymorphism populations of horses by the use of ISSR-markers / Yu.F. Kurylenko, I.O. Suprun // Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. - 2014. - Issue 2/1 (24) P.181-186.

5. Kurylenko Yu.F. Selection and evaluation of informational content of ISSR- marker systems to determine horses’ polymorphism // Yu.F. Kurylenko, I.O. Suprun // Collection of studies of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University. - 2014. Ed.1 (83). – Vol. №1 – P. 102-109.

6. Fedorova O.V. Seasonal variability of cytogenetic indicators / O.V. Fedorova, S.O. Kostenko. // Scientific reports of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine. - 2014. - № 3. - Access:

7. Osadcha Yu.V. Ethologic aspects of ostriches in farming / Yu.V. Osadcha // Modern scientific research and innovations. - June 2014. - № 6 [Electronic resource]. URL:

8. Osadcha Yu.V. Features of ostriches’ body build and their link with some economic useful peculiarities / Yu.V. Osadcha // Research in the field of natural sciences. - July 2014. - № 7 [Electronic resource]. URL:

9. Sakhatskyi M. Express method / M. Sakhatsky, Yu. Osadcha // our aviculture. - 2014. - № 2 (32). - P. 24-25.

10. Sakhatskyi N.I. Selection process acceleration for ostriches’ egg production / N.I. Sakhatskyi, Yu.V. Osadcha // Actual problems of intensive livestock development: Collection of studies. - Gorki, BHSHA, 2014. - Vol. 17 - Part 2. - P.139-146

11. Suprun I.A. Stress genesis of agricultural animals / I.A. Suprun // Actual problems of intensive livestock development Materials of the XVII international scientific conference Gorki 2014. - P. 261-274.

12. Osadcha Yu.V. Some technology aspects for ostriches’ eggs incubation / Yu.V. Osadchaya // Modern technics and technology. - June 2014. - № 6 [Electronic resource]. URL:

13. Osadcha Yu.V. Organization of ostriches’ reproduction at farms / Yu.V. Osadcha // Agriculture, forestry, and water economy. 2014. № 9 [Electronic resource]. URL:

 The most important results on the priority areas of research are the following:

According with conducted at the chair scientific researches was established, that application for cows under the skin of drug action “Glyutam 1M”, in dose of 20ml once a day during 265-267 and 270-272 pregnancy days increases by 7.7-42.8% (р<0,05) cows fertility after first insemination, reduces service period by 7.9-38.9 days (р<0,001) and reduces insemination index by 0.2-0.7 (р<0,05).

New biological active drugs “Yantargin” and “Shans” was created. Their applications promote rapid familiarizing of replacement boars with dummy and stimulate semen production of boars during different usage schemes, namely incise the ejaculate volume from 7.5% to 29.1% (р<0,05) and semen concentration from 9.5% to 22.5%/

Control system on the basis of DNA technology had been developed and reasonable sequence of these methods had been established including the efficiency determination of dairy cattle breeding, improvement of milk production to increase fat and protein in milk and improves its technological properties.

It had been established that among 30 sows in NRS “Agronomic research station” only 4 had the desired genotype BB for estrogen-receptor gene, 25 of which were heterozygote. All investigated boars were also heterozygous. This shows that a quarter of their offspring will have a low reproductive capacity because of sow’s heterozygosis.

A method of queen bees’ selection had been developed on the basis of feeding with the created bioactive feed Hlyutam 2BM during embryonic period.

A method for increase of ostriches’ egg production had been elaborated on the basis of the species evaluation and selection with the highest egg production for the first 4 weeks of the reproductive season, which will reduce the interval between their generations for 1 year and the growth rate of breeding to improve their egg production by 0.2 eggs per year. Selection process acceleration is provided for the increase of ostriches’ egg production by 0.2 eggs per year for one population with the regular use of a new method.

Student scientific circles are always being functioned at the department. On the results of the scientific research students make reports at the faculty conferences, other institutions and higher educational establishments.

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