Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy

Academic Process

Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy of NUBiP of Ukraine
is the center of humanitarian and pedagogical education and science in the agrarian sector.
The main directions of activities are:

* training of pedagogical staff for professional activities in the field of education and social sphere;
* scientific development of new effective approaches to the organization of education, socio-pedagogical activity in rural areas, philology;
* retraining and advanced training of the teaching staff and researchers of higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine;
* introduction of innovative technologies into the academic process, focusing on further innovation and improvements of the academic process and the quality of professional training;
* the use of the best international practices in teaching and learning activities;
* expanding the range of educational services;
* developing professional competences of students
* providing education for the teaching staff with the highest qualification - candidates and doctors of sciences (life-long education, professions of the type "human-nature")
conducting research into the topical issues of English and German philology, translation studies, professional pedagogy and psychology in coordination with the leading research institutions and higher educational institutions of Ukraine;
* providing retraining in the system of pedagogical sciences - vocational education;
* development of the national system of education as the most important link in the education of intelligent, creative personality, encouraging physically and mentally healthy lifestyle, acquiring and sharing cultural and spiritual wealth of the national and global diversity.

Educational programs:


Specialty 291 "International relations, public communication, regional studies"


A specialist can be employed by public authorities, international organizations, firms, mass media agencies and work as: diplomatic advisors in the field of agribusiness and "agrarian attaches" of a diplomatic agent / courier; secretary of a diplomatic agency; assistant expert / consultant on foreign policy issues of countries / regions; assistant political observer; civil servant; inspector for basic domestic political activity; tourism inspector.

Training for Bachelor’s degree is carried out by the state order and by contract.


Training period:

Bachelor’s degree full time - 4 years;

part-time - 5 years


 Specialty 061 "Journalism"


The specialist can be employed in the editorial staff of newspapers, magazines, television and radio companies, Internet publications, press and news agencies, press centers, public relations services of various state institutions, and work as: journalist, multimedia journalist, program manager, correspondent, special correspondent, commentator, columnist, political columnist, literary worker, editor, editor of multimedia editions, literary editor, technician-editor, member of the editorial board.

Training for Bachelor’s degree is carried out by the state order and by contract.


Training period:

Bachelor’s degree full time - 4 years;

part-time - 5 years


Specialty 231 "Social Work"


The specialist can provide social-pedagogical assistance, support, protection and rehabilitation of all categories of the population, and can work in social work services, centers of social protection and assistance, employment centers, educational institutions, centers for children's education and upbringing, cultural centers and arts schools, social services and clubs, children's and community organizations, care services, services for juvenile affairs

A specialist can work as: social worker, social pedagogue; child protection inspector; educator-methodologist; assistant educator; social work manager; teacher-consultant; head of amateur association; Head of specialized social service; cultural organizer of children's establishments for out-of-school activities; Head of the office; educator; Head of the Center; organizer of extracurricular educational work; specialist in social work; head of the dormitory; Head of the room for mothers with children.

Training for Bachelor’s and Master’s degree is carried out by the state order and by contract.


Training period:

Bachelor’s degree: full time - 4 years; part-time - 5 years

Master’s degree full-time: educational-professional program – 1.5 year

educational-scientific program – 2 years

part-time:  educational-professional program – 2 years 


Specialty 035 "Philology

(English-Ukrainian, German-Ukrainian translation) "

The educational program meets the demand in specialists able to translate scientific and technical literature and documentation on agrobiology, engineering, forestry, ecology, product quality and safety, veterinary inspection, agribusiness, agrarian economics, etc. Specialist is able to provide written translation of scientific and technical (agrarian) and business literature, advises on translation issues, teaches foreign languages ​​at educational institutions, works in translation agencies, organizations of industrialists and entrepreneurs. A specialist can work as: translator; teacher of a foreign language.

Training for Bachelor’s and Master’s degree is carried out by the state order and by contract.


Training period:

Bachelor’s degree: full time - 4 years; part-time - 5 years

Master’s degree full-time: educational-professional program – 1.5 year

educational-scientific program – 2 years

part-time:  educational-professional program – 2 years           

Specialty 053 "Psychology"

The educational program meets the needs to form psychological readiness of citizens for life, and psychological support of persons who suffer from war traumas. The specialist provides psychodiagnostics, psychological support, gives consultations, carries out psychological interference and can be employed in various institutions, enterprises and organizations, health care institutions, centers of practical psychology, social services, consulting centers, research institutes, legal establishments as: psychologist, practical psychologist, chief psychologist, expert on personnel development, tutor.

Training for Bachelor’s is carried out by contract.


Training period:

Bachelor’s degree: full time - 4 years;

part-time - 5 years

Specialty 015 "Vocational education

(technology of production and processing of agricultural products)"


The educational program "Vocational education" provides Bachelor’s degree in specialization "Technology of production and processing of agricultural products".

Graduates receive a state-certified diploma with qualification "Vocational Education Teacher" and can work in vocational and higher educational institutions as: teacher of vocational disciplines, master of production training, methodologist, educator, inspector.

Training for Bachelor’s and Master’s degree is carried out by the state order and by contract.


Training period:

Bachelor’s degree: full time - 4 years 

073 "Management"

(Management of educational institution)


A specialist with Master's degree in Management has the knowledge and skills to solve professional tasks in managing an educational institution. A graduate receives a state-certified diploma of higher education (Master's Degree) with qualification "Head of an institution and organization (in the area of education and production training)".

An expert can work as: a manager (director, rector) of an educational institution; Chief, Head (of structural unit, sector, department). Training is carried out by the state order and by contract.


Training period:

Master’s degree full-time: - educational-professional program - 1,5 years;

                                           - educational-scientific program - 2 years;

                       part-time: - educational-professional program - 2 years.


Specialty 011 "Educational, Pedagogical Sciences" (Pedagogy of Higher School)

Master’s degree in Educational Sciences (Higher Education Pedagogy) enables a specialist to teach professional subjects in higher educational institutions.

Training is carried out on the basis of previous basic or full higher education by the state order and by contract.

Training period:

Bachelor’s degree: full time - 4 years; part-time - 5 years

Master’s degree full-time: educational-professional program – 1.5 year

educational-scientific program – 2 years

part-time:  educational-professional program – 2 years

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