Scholarly Traditions

Scholarly Traditions

Scholarly Tradition The management of the development of education in the context of global integrating processes. The head of this school is S. M. Nikolaienko, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, corresponding member of NAPS of Ukraine

This school is doing a research in the field of contemporary scientific approaches, principles, tendencies, foci, conditions, forms, and technologies of managing an innovation development of national education of Ukraine as a system in which information and innovation support increases, the potential of pedagogical organization enhances.

Results: the content of legal documents and mechanisms has been improved; standard documents and methodical recommendations have been developed; the vision of foci of governing the process of the innovation development of Ukraine has been outlined.

Some state programs in education and science have been initiated:
A state program of gifted youth;
A state program «The Bus»;
A state program «The sciences at universities»;
A state program of renovation of 300 Ukrainian schools;
A state project «The school of the future»;
The establishment of Ukrainian education of new quality;
A state program of social care «Information and communication technologies in education».

Published works: 3 monographs, 11 academic and scientific, and methodical textbooks, 60 scientific articles.
S. M. Nikolaienko, a professor, a corresponding member, is known as in Ukraine so abroad. His works are being cited (h-index– 13); students and teachers use his textbooks in their work.

Scholarly tradition «Urgent problems of categorial Grammar». The head is V. D. Shynkaruk, a doctor of philological sciences, professor

The main task of this school is to study semantic and syntactic categories which directly refer to the category of modality, the transformation of their invariant meaning.

Contemporary linguistics is characterized by attempts to systemize semantic and syntactic items using new conceptual or methodological fundamentals; review and clarify some scientific notions. An absolutely new step is a categorial approach of analyzing language items which enables research to make a categorial Grammar quite a different aspect of Grammar.

V. D. Shynkarul supervises post graduate and doctorate students. Nine PhD students have already defended their dissertations. He is the author of the following monographs such as: «Categories of modus and dictum in the structure of sentence » (Chernivtsi: Ruta, 2002. – 277 p.); «Degrees of phraseologization of sentences» (Chernivtsi: Ruta, 2001. – 135 p.); «Word formation categorization of subjective assessment» (Chernivtsi: Ruta, 2002. – 121 p.); «Social categories of modus in epistolary texts» (Kyiv: МSHU, 2007. – 175 p.), «Formal and syntactic, and functional and semantic peculiarities of exclamatory sentences» (Ternopil: Aston, 2007. – 200 p.) «Word formation identity of Ukrainian terminology» (Chernivtsi: Chernivtsi National University, 2010. – 200 p.), «A syntactic structure of sentences with numerals in the Ukrainian language» (Chernivtsi: Chernivtsi National University, 2011. – 136 p.) etc.

Participants of Prof. Shynkaruk’s school have published 4 scientific monographs for the last three years.

Prof. Shynkaruk has more than 200 scientific works. This scientist is known by Ukraine’s scientific community. His works are cited by young researchers. Teachers use his textbooks of Ukrainian and classical languages in their work.

Scholarly tradition «Urgent problems of the education of future specialists for agriculture» The head of the school is R. V. Sopivnyk, doctor of pedagogical sciences, associate professor

When training a future specialist of bionomical professions of the type “person-nature”, it is important to cultivate specific psychological traits of a personality such environmental focus of professional knowledge, the ability to evaluate and predict changeable natural factors, the readiness to work in complicated conditions, a value attitude to land, animals etc. That is why, educational establishment should have a scientifically substantiated system of educating a person. This system should include the necessary content, methodological approaches, forms and principles, methods and techniques of pedagogicl impact. So, the aim of Ruslan Sopipnyk’s school is to develop methodological, theoretical, and methodical fundamentals of educating a future specialist’s personality. R. V. Sopivnyk supervises nine PhD students. Three PhD students have already defended their dissertations. R. V. Sopivnyk is included into two specialized scientific councils in two cities of Ukraine such as Uman, Kyiv. This scholar is the author and coatuthor of two scientific monographs: «The education of leadership qualities of future specialists for agriculture » (Kyiv: Komprint, 2012. – 502 p.); «The education of a personality during the process of professional training of students in agrarian higher educational establishments» (Nizhyn: PE Lysenko M.M. 2015. – 400 p.).

Sopivnyk Ruslan Vasyliovych has published more than 100 scientific works. He is cited by young researchers. His academic and methodical textbooks are used by teachers in agrarian higher educational establishments during the academic and educational process.

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