- Головна
- History of the department
- Educational work
- Career guidance work
- Accreditation of specialty 017 "Physical culture and sports"
- Educational programs
- Work programs and syllabi of disciplines and electronic training courses
- Abstract of optional disciplines
- Coursework
- Practical training
- Cooperation agreements
- Certification exam
- Feedback from students
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Тел.: 044-527-85-21
Електронна пошта: [email protected]

head of the department of physical education:
Mykola Petrovych Kostenko
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, master of sports of Ukraine of international class in mini-football
Admission rules for 2022
List of documents for admission
Registration for the creative competition
Video - instruction of the creative competition
Questionnaire for a bachelor's degree applicant
Department of physical education in social networks
Specialty 017 "Physical culture and sports"
Educational degree "Bachelor"
Today it is impossible to find any sphere of human activity that is not related to physical culture, since physical culture and sports are universally recognized material and spiritual values of society as a whole and of each person individually.
In society, physical culture is an important means of "raising a new person who harmoniously combines spiritual wealth, moral purity and physical perfection." Outstanding physiologist P.K. Anokhin noted: "I see the mass development of physical culture and sports as one of the best options in the fight for human health, creative activity and longevity."
Physical education, physical culture and sports are the most economically beneficial and effective way to prevent diseases, strengthen the gene pool, increase the potential of labor resources, psychophysical health, increase the welfare of the population and solve other social problems. The demand and popularity of the sport is fully justified. After all, sport is not only self-organization and discipline, health and youth, an element of culture and lifestyle - it is life itself, moving forward!
Studying in the educational program of the specialization "Physical culture and sport" involves the acquisition of theoretical and/or practical knowledge, abilities, and skills related to the organization of sports training, conducting lessons in physical culture, physical culture and sports activities; management of subjects in the field of physical culture and sports, involvement of various population groups in physical culture and sports; prevention of diseases and injuries, provision of pre-medical care, maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
A specialist in physical culture and sports can work in the system of educational institutions, children's and youth sports schools, sports clubs, travel agencies, fitness centers, health care facilities, public organizations.
Choosing the "Physical Culture and Sports" specialty at our university, you will not only gain theoretical knowledge in this field, but you will have the opportunity to gain practical experience and sportsmanship in various sports, because we have teachers of the highest sports level.ф
Therefore, if you are still faced with choosing your future - do not hesitate!
At NUBiP of Ukraine, the training of specialists in the specialty "Physical culture and sport" is carried out for the educational degree "Bachelor" according to the state order and under the terms of the contract.
Form of education: full-time. Study period: 4 years.Entrants to the "Physical Culture and Sports" specialty submit the following documents:admission application;a document on education and an appendix to it;4 color 3x4 size photos;a copy of the passport;a copy of the identification code assignment certificate;medical certificate form - 086;ZNO certificates:For state-ordered studies: Ukrainian language (mandatory), biology (mandatory), creative competition (mandatory).For training under a contract (at the expense of individuals and legal entities): Ukrainian language (mandatory), biology (mandatory), creative competition (mandatory).