Career guidance work
Career orientation work with high school students is a guide for choosing a profession
Teachers of the department of physical education visited the Yuryv secondary school of grades I-III of the Fastiv district of the Kyiv region. This is already the second visit of our teachers within the framework of cooperation between the school and NUBiP of Ukraine regarding career guidance work with high school students.
The choice of a profession for every young person is the choice of their place in life, the further path of study and work. Vocational guidance work with high school students is one of the main directions of educational work, which is aimed at preparing students for a conscious choice of profession, determining their place in society. The task of vocational guidance work is to prepare the student for a well-founded choice of a profession that satisfies both personal interests and social needs. It contains such types of career guidance activities as professional information and professional education. If professional education is mainly carried out by school teachers, and especially by the class teacher; university teachers will help provide thorough information about the specialties that can be mastered at higher education institutions and professions that are in the greatest demand on the labor market.
Thus, on Thursday, February 25, a meeting of the teachers of the physical education department with the students of the 10th and 11th grades of the Yuryv secondary school took place. Together with the high school students, the director of the comprehensive educational institution Anatoliy Pylypovich Lovyagin and the class teacher of the 10th grade Tetyana Andriivna Kovalenko were present at the lecture.
Nataliya Volodymyrivna Krupko, a senior teacher at the Department of Physical Education, presented the new specialties that have opened at NUBiP of Ukraine, told about the advantages of studying at our university, about cooperation with universities of other countries, about the double diploma program, educational practice abroad and employment prospects. She also focused on the "Physical Culture and Sports" specialty and the professional trainers who teach at our department and suggested choosing NUBiP of Ukraine for further study and obtaining prestigious, sought-after professions.
The senior lecturer of the department, Rima Gasymivna Dubovik, focused in more detail on the university's faculties and preparatory courses for admission to NUBiP of Ukraine. She offered information for future entrants in the form of a grouped table, from which students were able to learn about last year's passing score for the budget for all specialties of the NUBiP of Ukraine, the license volume, the certificates of the ZNO for admission to the relevant specialty, and last year's cost of studying in various specialties.
Schoolchildren were interested in the information provided and were already considering our university to continue their education, because several graduates of Yuryvska secondary school in 2020 chose NUBiP of Ukraine and are studying at the faculties of economics and law.
Maria Kovalenko plans to get a higher education at our university this year, and tenth-graders Denys Skuratov and Pavlo Marushchak are interested in the possibility of obtaining the qualification of a coach in their chosen sport, because they play volleyball.
At the end of the meeting, the teachers of the physical education department invited the students to visit our university on the "Open Door Day" and learn more about the prospects of studying at NUBiP of Ukraine. Finally, the parties agreed on further cooperation.

The teachers of the Department of Physical Education conducted career orientation work in the best educational institution of the Kyiv region
On January 27, the teachers of the physical education department visited the Boryspil educational and educational complex "Perspektiva" secondary school, grades I-III.

Schoolchildren of three graduating classes were invited to the assembly hall of the gymnasium to meet with the teachers of NUBiP of Ukraine. A total of 56 students of the eleventh grade of the gymnasium were present.

Employees of the department told applicants about the National University of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine. The teacher of the department, Olena Otroshko, reported in detail about the specialties that are available at NUBiP of Ukraine, about the advantages and prospects of our university compared to other universities. She drew attention to the specialties of the Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy, talked about cooperation with universities of other countries and the double diploma program. I stopped at the compact and convenient location of buildings and dormitories of NUBiP of Ukraine, the rich cultural and sports life of our students. The head of the department, Mykola Kostenko, spoke in more detail about the new specialty "Physical culture and sport", the qualifications of the scientific and pedagogical staff of the department, the sports achievements of student-athletes, the university's national teams, the prospects for the development of the sports material base, the certificates of external studies required for admission and the program of creative competition

The senior teacher of the department, Serhiy Verbytskyi, introduced the high school students to the work of the sports sections and the Educational, Health and Sports Center of NUBiP of Ukraine, told about his path as an athlete and invited him to study at our university.

After the meeting, the parties agreed on further cooperation.
Graduates of Tarasiv School choose to study at NUBiP of Ukraine for the opportunity to gain promising knowledge and a prestigious profession
On February 19, 2020, senior teachers of the Department of Physical Education, Olena Otroshko, Rima Dubovik, and Nataliya Krupko, visited the Tarasiv Secondary School of Grades I-III of the Kyiv-Sviatoshyn State Administration of the Kyiv Region with career guidance work.
The school administration, represented by the director, Tamara Kucherenko and the deputy director for educational work, Olena Pavlenko, hospitably welcomed the delegation from the Humanities and Pedagogical Faculty and introduced them to the students of the tenth and eleventh grades. Olena Viktorivna noted that many graduates of the school have already obtained higher education at NUBiP of Ukraine and have successfully found employment, both in Ukraine and abroad.

Tenth-grade students learned about the long-standing scientific, cultural and sports traditions of our university, a large number of prestigious specialties, the possibility of obtaining a double degree and internship abroad, the ecological environment and the convenient location of the student campus of NUBiP of Ukraine.

It is nice that eleventh-grade students are familiar with our university and seven future graduates have already chosen NUBiP of Ukraine for higher education:
Lyubov Nikolayenko, has been playing football since she was 6 years old and dreams of becoming a coach, so she chose a new specialty of the Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy "Physical Culture and Sports";
Andrii Zinchenko, has the first degree in kickboxing and also chooses the specialty "Physical culture and sports";
Anna Protsenko and Yevgenia Prytsepova, are interested in learning foreign languages and are preparing to enter the specialty "Philology";
Dmytro Chubanov, chooses the specialty "Social Work";
Vladyslav Oliynyk, interested in design and plans to enter the Faculty of Design and Design;
Gordiy Medvedev sees himself as a qualified lawyer in the future, so he plans to get a law degree at NUBiP of Ukraine.
We wish all high school students to successfully pass the external examination and enter their dream specialties at NUBiP of Ukraine.