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- Accreditation of specialty 017 "Physical culture and sports"
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- Abstract of optional disciplines
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Abstract of optional disciplines
FOR APPLICANTS OF THE OPP "PHYSICAL CULTURE AND SPORTS" (OS "BACHELOR") 2021 admission year for 2022-2023 n.y.
Dear students!
Elective components of the OPP of the student's free choice by specialty
To make a choice, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the following annotations:
(BLOCK 1) for the 5th semester - the applicant chooses 3 components (12 ECTS credits) from the 9 offered
Name of the component (disciplines) | Description of the component (disciplines) |
Methods of teaching strength sports | The purpose of teaching the discipline is to form basic professional and pedagogical knowledge, abilities, and skills that provide theoretical and practical training of a specialist in the field of science and technology. The main tasks of the course are: formation of the professional outlook of students; mastering the technique of strength training of athletes of various sports; providing students with practical skills and abilities to use athleticism to improve the body. According to the requirements of the educational and professional program, students must know the specifics of material and technical support for strength training of athletes; the basics of organizing educational and training classes of various orientations; safety and injury prevention techniques in athletics classes; the technique of competitive exercises and the basics of refereeing in strength sports. To be able to apply in practical activities the acquired knowledge about the use of means and methods of strength training, to conduct health-oriented strength trainings with persons of different ages and genders. |
Methodology of teaching martial arts | The course of the academic discipline provides for methodological and practical training of students for future professional activities. The purpose, structure, and content of the academic discipline "Theory and Methodology of Teaching Martial Arts" are revealed. The place and importance of this discipline in the training of future trainers-teachers is considered. Students need to master questions related to: the history of the development of martial arts; the evolution of the rules of martial arts; basic concepts; terminology, classification and systematics of types of martial arts; organization and content of martial arts classes. Formation of a system of knowledge and skills from: the basics of teaching techniques and methods; games at martial arts classes; organization and holding of competitions; competition rules and refereeing practice. |
Sports facilities and training equipment | The purpose of teaching the academic discipline is to acquaint students with existing sports facilities and training equipment. The main tasks of studying the discipline are to acquire the knowledge and practical skills necessary for the operation of sports facilities and sports equipment, to know the basics of the organization of the design and construction of sports facilities, to know the specifics of the distribution of sports facilities and their nature, basic terms and names, requirements for safe operation, features of the placement of sports facilities in populated areas, to be able to rationally operate and build simple sports facilities and equipment, etc. |
Basics of teaching modern sports | Physical culture is developing at a rapid pace, non-traditional sports are increasingly being introduced into the lives of athletes, so physical culture and sports specialists need to be in the trend of modern changes. The discipline will tell about non-traditional and modern sports, their place in modern sports and everyday activities, as well as their importance for certain categories of people, will form students' knowledge, skills and teaching skills of modern sports. |
Theory and technique of fitness training | The course presents the theoretical, organizational and methodological foundations of fitness training; the terminology of basic fitness exercises is characterized; information about types of fitness classes, features of the use of physical exercises in classroom and extracurricular classes is summarized. Special attention is paid to the psychological and pedagogical foundations of the trainer's professional activity, methodological features of organizing and conducting fitness classes, and methods of monitoring the health-improving effect of fitness classes. |
Modern fitness technologies | Relevant issues of the use of fitness programs and technologies in the process of physical education, methodological features of sports training, rational use of recreation and mass sports, methods of conducting classes on physical rehabilitation of student youth were considered. |
Basics of personal training | The purpose of the discipline "Fundamentals of personal training" is to acquaint students with the features and regularities of drawing up personal training programs, which may be recommended to physical education specialists in the future as tools offered to clients of fitness centers and other health and sports facilities. |
Professional skill of the trainer | The purpose of the educational discipline "Professional skill of a coach" is to help the future coach to combine theoretical knowledge and the technology of coaching work, that is, to learn to be a coach, to master the skill. And this presupposes the development of certain personal qualities, abilities, creative potential. The future coach must learn to improve the main object of success - himself. |
Business protocol and communication ethics of the coach | The course is aimed at forming the professional competence of students, since language is one of the main tools of the professional activity of a modern coach. Today, a highly qualified sports coach must possess a high general culture and culture of communication, be able to express himself accurately, logically and clearly, use professional terminology. The study of the discipline "Business protocol and communication ethics of the coach" contributes to the formation of language, speech, lexicographic, rhetorical competence of future specialists, the optimal use of language tools in both written and oral professional communication. The acquired knowledge and skills from the discipline "Business protocol and communication ethics of the trainer" are the basis for effective perception of information from other fields of knowledge, development of abstract thinking, realization of creative potential of future specialists. |
(BLOCK 2) for the 6th semester - the applicant chooses 2 components (8 ECTS credits) from the 4 offered
Name of the component (disciplines) | Description of the component (disciplines) |
Basics of sports orientation and tourism | The teaching of the academic discipline is aimed at the students' study of theoretical material, familiarization and mastering of the necessary skills of sports orientation at the level of the curriculum, mastering the method of initial training of the main elements, as well as the organization and conduct of competitions. Acquaintance with the history of the development of orienteering in the world, Europe and Ukraine. Mastering the teaching methodology and organization of the educational and training process. Mastery of knowledge and skills regarding the organization and conduct of competitions, the method of refereeing competitions. Acquiring knowledge about carrying out research work on the problems of tourism and sports orientation. Mastery of practical skills and skills for conducting classes independently. Relationship between sports tourism and orienteering. |
Theory and technique of health-improving physical culture | The purpose of the educational discipline is to form students' theoretical professional and methodical knowledge, abilities and skills for future professional activity in relation to the organization and conduct of physical education classes using health-improving technologies and systems, physical exercises, methods of their application and special forms of organizing classes. |
Theory and methods of physical education of different population groups | The purpose of teaching the academic discipline is to form students of the chosen specialty knowledge of the theoretical and methodological foundations of physical education and sports of different population groups and practical application of the chosen knowledge and skills when solving professional educational and scientific tasks. The main tasks of studying the discipline are 1. To provide theoretical and practical preparation of students for professional activities. 2. Contribute to the formation of students' creative outlook, the education of pedagogical thinking and the acquisition of a system of theoretical and practical special knowledge. |
Organization and methods of mass physical education and sports | The discipline is aimed at training qualified specialists in the field of physical culture and sports, and ensures the development and consolidation of practical skills for conducting mass sports classes, in sports sections, health groups, during physical culture and sports events, to form practical activities of information and propaganda work in labor collectives, as well as by place of residence and in areas of organized recreation of the population. The purpose of the educational discipline: to provide students with theoretical knowledge and to form practical skills in them for future professional activities, to reveal the modern patterns of mass physical culture development in our country, to equip them with the skills to analyze and forecast the development of the modern sphere of mass physical culture. |
(BLOCK 3) For the 6th semester - the applicant chooses 2 components (8 ECTS credits) from the 4 offered
Name of the component (disciplines) | Description of the component (disciplines) |
Basics of sports management and marketing | The study of this discipline makes it possible to master the theory and practice of effective management of physical culture and sports organizations in modern market conditions. The subject of the study of the discipline is the basic provisions of the theoretical foundations of managerial activity (laws, regularities, methods, functions, principles, models, etc.), the practice of managing sports organizations, designing management and marketing systems, that is, the formation of interconnected and interacting managerial levers that provide managerial influence , consumers of physical culture and sports services. The purpose of teaching the course is to provide future specialists in physical education and sports with knowledge and skills in management and marketing for their application in the sports field, to study the theoretical and normative-methodical provisions of management and marketing activities in Ukraine. The main task is for students to master the methodology of management and marketing activities in the sports field. |
Regional management in the field of physical culture and sports | The purpose of studying the academic discipline is to help students of higher education acquire basic knowledge about the spheres, directions, forms of organization of sports, mass sports, physical culture and health work of various population groups and their management. The subject of study of the academic discipline is the consideration of the structure of management of processes and objects of sports and physical culture and health purposes, the specifics of self-organization, their regulatory and legal support; peculiarities of management in the field of physical culture and sports of administrative-territorial units of different levels. In the conditions of decentralization in Ukraine, the systematization of accumulated management experience in various segments of administrative-territorial units, including in the field of physical culture and sports, is relevant. |
Economy of sports | The purpose of studying the discipline "Economics of Sports" is to acquire general and special economic knowledge, to learn to competently make decisions, discuss and evaluate the obtained results, as well as to form an economic culture in order to quickly adapt to the conditions of a market economy. Objectives of the course: development of thinking, which will contribute to the conscious solution of problems of an economic nature that may arise in the future profession; formation of knowledge about typical economic phenomena, material and technical base of the industry, its financing and organization of activities; familiarization with regulatory financial documents of the enterprise of the "Physical culture and sports" branch; study of the industry market, objects and subjects of market relations. Having mastered the discipline, students should know: the subject, tasks and economic laws and categories; economic resources and financing problems of the "Physical culture and sport" industry; peculiarities of the material and technical base, organization and content of the industry; be able to: use special and scientific-methodical literature; analyze regulatory financial documents of the "Physical Culture and Sports" industry; analyze the content of financial and economic activity; · characterize the market and the material and technical base of the industry. |
Basics of legal support for activities in the field of physical culture and sports | The purpose of the academic discipline is to provide students with theoretical knowledge on the legal support of activities in the field of physical culture and sports, skills in the correct application of laws and other normative acts that regulate physical culture and sports activities in Ukraine. Tasks of the academic discipline: - to study the legal regulation in the field of sports and physical culture activities; - develop normative legal acts that regulate the legal status of athletes and other subjects of sports and physical culture activities; - - to master the normative legal acts that regulate sports and physical culture relations, in particular, regarding the training of professional athletes, the organization of sports competitions, in the field of sports medicine and the resolution of disputes in this field. |
FOR APPLICANTS OF THE OPP "PHYSICAL CULTURE AND SPORTS" (OS "BACHELOR") 2020 admission for 2022-2023 academic year
Dear students!
Elective components of the OPP of the student's free choice by specialty
To make a choice, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the following annotations:
(BLOCK 4) for the 7th semester - the applicant chooses 3 components (12 ECTS credits) from the 8 offered
Name of the component (disciplines) | Description of the component (disciplines) |
Sports medicine | The discipline is aimed at forming students' theoretical knowledge and developing practical skills in conducting medical physical education and, depending on the type of disease, to use the main and auxiliary methods of sports medicine. A discipline that studies the impact of physical culture and sports on the human body; develops and substantiates a rational method of physical exercises and sports training for the purpose of comprehensive harmonious development, strengthening of health and increasing the working capacity of a person. |
Basics of physical rehabilitation | Providing students with the necessary level of theoretical and methodological knowledge about rational methods and means of their professional activity, revealing the structure and content of this activity, the conditions for the successful implementation of educational, educational and health-improving tasks in the process of physical rehabilitation. |
Pre-medical medical care | The subject of study of this course is emergency medical care in life-threatening conditions, the aim is methods and methods of providing first aid in emergency and terminal conditions. Studying the subject will help students to know: the causes of serious conditions and emergency care, the principles and rules of providing pre-medical care for injuries, bleeding, accidents; to be able to: perfectly master resuscitation methods in case of threatening conditions, provide emergency aid for acute diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, poisoning, animal, snake, and insect bites. The acquired knowledge is important in everyday life, in everyday life, at work, in any conditions. |
Hygienic support in the field of physical culture and sports | Purpose: to create in students an idea of the importance and role of hygiene in the system of physical education, adaptation of the body to the adverse effects of various environmental factors, provision of training, competitive and health-improving activities, acceleration of recovery of physical capacity, prevention of diseases, laws underlying a healthy lifestyle . Familiarize yourself with the basics of healthy nutrition, types of hardening of the body, hygienic requirements for clothing and footwear, hygienic requirements for residential, educational and sports premises, find out the peculiarities of physical education of people of different ages. |
Diagnosis and monitoring of athletes' health | The purpose of studying the academic discipline is to master the theoretical foundations and practical skills of determining the state of physical, mental, intellectual and spiritual health. To teach students to evaluate a person's way of life, to diagnose the peculiarities of a violation of a person's way of life. |
Means of restoring sports performance | The goal is to form students' competencies about the main means of restoring the working capacity of athletes and the peculiarities of their complex application in various sports. Task: arming students with knowledge of the basics of sports training (load, fatigue, recovery); familiarization with the classification and characteristics of means of restoring working capacity in physical culture and sports; mastering the basics of complex application of recovery tools in summer sports. As a result of studying the academic discipline, the student should know: classification of types and manifestations of fatigue; peculiarities of recovery processes in athletes' bodies after performing physical exercises of various orientations and magnitudes; classification of sportsmen's rehabilitation means; classification and characterization of pedagogical, psychological and medical-biological means of restoring working capacity in physical culture and sports. be able to: develop restorative training classes, restorative training microcycles in the process of training athletes in selected sports; to comprehensively apply the means of restoring working capacity in various sports. |
Basics of age and gender psychology in physical education and sports | The need to take into account the age and gender approach in physical education is shown not from the point of view of the gender policy of granting equal rights to men and women, but from the point of view of studying their psychosocial features in order to create adequate organizational and methodological conditions in the process of physical education. |
Research methods in physical education and sports. | The main theoretical and practical issues of conducting scientific work with children at school, in other sports and educational institutions are highlighted. The main provisions of the methodology are systematically outlined, the methods of scientific research in the field of physical education and sports are characterized. |
(BLOCK 5) for the 8th semester - the applicant chooses 3 components (12 ECTS credits) from the 8 offered
Name of the component (disciplines) | Description of the component (disciplines) |
Foreign language in coaching activities | The purpose of the discipline is to teach students to communicate in a foreign language within the limits of a certain topic, to form professional language competences, and further improve knowledge of a foreign language, taking into account the professional coaching direction, needs and interests. Tasks of the educational discipline: - to form students' professional competence by introducing them to various methods and techniques of foreign language learning and involving them in the performance of professionally oriented tasks in coaching activities. - to form students' positive attitude towards mastering both language and culture. - develop students' sense of self-awareness; interpersonal communication skills, which are necessary for full functioning both in the educational environment and beyond, which contributes to the formation of their worldview and value orientations, the development of thinking, memory, and imagination. |
Age-related anatomy and physiology in physical education and sports | The purpose of the discipline is to form future trainers-teachers of knowledge about the age-related features of the structure and functions of the children's body; about the laws that underlie the preservation and strengthening of the schoolboy's health, maintaining his high working capacity during various types of educational and work activities; on hygienic requirements for the organization of educational work in primary grades. |
Adaptation and functional reserves of a person | The purpose of the discipline is the formation of students' system of knowledge about the general basics of adaptation, structural and functional changes in the body of athletes under the influence of physical exertion, various climatic, geographical and weather conditions. Course objectives: to form a system of knowledge about adaptation (concepts, types, stages of formation, basic provisions of the modern theory of adaptation); deepen knowledge about structural changes in athletes' bodies under the influence of physical exertion; adaptive changes of anatomical and physiological systems and energy supply systems of the human body to physical exertion; to expand knowledge about the problems of forming long-term adaptation in the process of long-term training of athletes; to deepen the knowledge about adaptive changes of the athletes' body to different climatic, geographical and weather conditions. |
Pharmacological support in the field of physical culture and sports | The purpose of the educational discipline is to provide students with knowledge of general pharmacology, clinical pharmacology, and sports pharmacology, since health correction is based on knowledge of pharmacotherapy as the main method of treatment, knowledge of sports pharmacology is necessary for the treatment of various pathological conditions during sports, and the improvement of sports performance in different periods sports activity with the help of pharmacological means. The tasks of studying the discipline "Pharmacological support in the field of physical culture and sports" are to acquaint students with the basic concepts of sports pharmacology, the principles of pharmacological support of the training process, natural factors for increasing physical performance, mechanisms for restoring functions in case of fatigue, methods of correcting pre-pathological and pathological conditions of high-class athletes, anti-doping control in sports. |
Basics of general and sports massage | The purpose of the discipline is to ensure the formation of future trainers-teachers of special knowledge, abilities and skills in scientifically based (taking into account the state of health, age changes and individual characteristics) performance of individual massage techniques, massage of individual parts of the body, construction and conduct of massage procedures . |
Basics of rational nutrition in the system of sports training | The purpose of teaching the academic discipline is to acquaint students with the nutrition of a healthy person and athlete, the chemical composition of food products and their impact on human health, the basics of medical nutrition, sports nutrition, recommendations for dietary therapy for various diseases, nutrition technology in the process of sports training. |
Methodology of refereeing in the chosen sport | The purpose of the course is to reveal the main areas of professional skill of future specialists in physical education and sports and the ways of its formation, to learn to evaluate their professional skill and to get acquainted with the experience of leading judges in sports. Create an idea among students about the procedure for organizing and holding competitions in the chosen sport, about the method of training a judge in the chosen sport. The study of the discipline contributes to the expansion of the worldview of specialists, increases their theoretical level, forms practical skills in the organization of refereeing competitions, and stimulates self-knowledge. One of the main tasks of the course is aimed at in-depth study and mastering the basics of the professional skills of a future specialist in refereeing sports competitions, familiarization with the structure of preparation and holding of competitions. The study of the discipline will contribute to the formation of the future sports referee's professional credo, the ability to see the goal, define the tasks and correctly choose the means, methods and forms for their successful implementation. To promote the development of students' creative thinking, the ability to find new ways and forms of work in the field of sports refereeing, as well as the improvement of their motor skills and abilities. |
Organization and holding of sports competitions | The purpose of the discipline is to acquaint students with the process of conducting a sports competition and to form in them the skills of applying theoretical knowledge in practical activities. The main tasks of the course: · studying the theoretical foundations of sports competitions; · formation of practical skills for conducting sports competitions and the ability to make strategic and tactical decisions during a sports competition. According to the results of studying the discipline, the student must know the theoretical foundations of conducting various forms and types of sports competitions, as well as be able to independently draw up the main documents of the competition (regulations, standings, estimates, report of the head judge, etc.), carry out the drawing of competition participants, independently draw up a report on the conduct of the competition . |