Department of Organisation of Entrepreneurship and Exchange Activities

Адреса: Address: 03041, Kyiv, str. Heroyiv Oborony st, 11, building number 10

Тел.: (044) 527-86-60

Head of the department:
Ilchuk Mykola Maksymovych



         The Chair of Organization of Entrepreneurship and Exchange Activity originates from the Chair of Organization of Socialist Agricultural Enterprises, which was established in 1930 on the basis of the Chair of Agricultural Economics and Statistics of the Kyiv Agricultural Institute, which in 1923 separated itself from the Kiev Polytechnic Institute. University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine.

In the thirties at the department of the organization of agricultural production worked and for a short time it was headed by professors O.P. Kanevsky (1930-1931), A.Ya. Radchenko (1931-1934) and N.G. Klimenko (1934-1941).

During the Great Patriotic War the department of the organization was evacuated to the deep rear, some of the employees worked in Tashkent SSI. After the war (1944-1950; 1954-1962) the department was headed by the corresponding member of UACEG K.O. Syrotsinsky. From 1950 to 1954 - Doctor of Economics, Professor D.A. Grigorovich.

In 1963-1975 the department was headed by Corresponding Member VASGNIL, Doctor of Economics, Professor LM. Dumpling.

In 1976-1977, the department was headed by Corresponding Member VASGNIL, Doctor of Economics, Professor V.V. Yurchishin and Doctor of Economics, Professor D.A. Grigorovich.

From 1978 to 1987 the department was headed by Doctor of Economics, Professor S.P. Azizov.

During 1988-2000 the department was headed by the Honored Worker of National Education of Ukraine, Professor G.S. Tarasenko.

In 2000-2001 the department was headed by Doctor of Economics, Professor MM Ilchuk. At his initiative, the department changed the direction of scientific research, which allowed in 2000 to change the name of the department to the department of agribusiness organization. As a result, the department began to teach a number of new disciplines in market economics.

To ensure the opening of a new specialty "Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities" at the Faculty of Economics since January 1, 2017 the Scientific Council of NULES of Ukraine has specified the name of the department "Organization of agribusiness" to the department "Entrepreneurship and organization of agribusiness".

During 2002 - 2003 the head of the department was A. Shpichak. - Academician of NAAS of Ukraine, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine.

In 2004, Doctor of Science (Economics), Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, M.N. The direction of his scientific activity is related to the effective functioning of agro-industrial production and the development of agricultural markets.

Important educational and scientific direction of the department is stock exchange activity. By order № 938 of September 27, 2019, the Department of Stock Exchange Activity and Trade was reorganized in the structure of the Faculty of Economics by joining it in the Department of Entrepreneurship and Agribusiness Organization and was given the name of the Department named Entrepreneurship and Exchange Activity.




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