Separated Subdivision NULESU «Prybrezhne Agricultural College»

Адреса: 96563, Ukraine, Crimea, Pribrezhnoye, Morskaya str., 1

Тел.: (06563) 2-71-31

Електронна пошта: [email protected]


Stepan I. Sklyar

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, honored worker of People; Education of the Crimea, honored pedagogical worker SSD of NUBLNT of Ukraine

History SU NUB NT of Ukraine “Pribreznensky Agrarian College” began its history in 1912 as Agricultural School on training of specialists in management of private farms.
In 1930 the Agricultural School was reorganized into Agrarian Technical School on training of specialists-zootechnicians for Animal Husbandry.
For tens of years the name and trends of training specialists in agriculture have changed from time to time.
In 1964 Pribrezhnensky State Farm – Technical School was organized on the basis of state farm “Vladimirovsky” and the one of Pribrezhnensky Agrarian Technical School. It began the training zootechnicians, technicians, electro – mechanics and agronomists.
In the 1997 accordingly to the Decree of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of May 29 1997 # 526 it was included into the structure of NAUU. From that time it began training of specialists on speciality “Veterinary Medicine”.
Today SSD of NUB NT in Ukraine “Pribrezhnensky Agrarian College” goes on training specialists by EQL (education and gratifying level) “Junior Specialist” accordingly to the License of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on following trends:
0501 – Information technology  and counting equipment
0901 – agricultural tenure and forestry
1001 – equipment and energetics of agrarian production
1101 – veterinary service
The structure
There are 2 departments in the college
·         Veterinary – technological
·         The departments of mechanization and electrification of agriculture
4 types of working subdivisions:
·         The subdivision of non-general disciplines;
·         The subdivision of veterinary – technological disciplines;
·         The subdivision of technical and special (general) disciplines.
·         The subdivision of agricultural and economic disciplines.
Pribrezhnensky College deals with the training of specialists by EQL «Junior Specialist» on following specialities:
5.05050201 “Maintaining computer system and networks”
5.09010103 “Production and Processing of plant products”
5.09010201 “Production and Processing of animal produce”
5.10010102 “Installation, maintaining and repairing electrical and technical equipment in agricultural complex”
5.10010201 “Using and repairing machinery and equipment in agricultural production”
5.11010101 “Veterinary Medicine”.
The College educational concept is based on the following principles:
·         education accessibility for individuals who meet the requirements of professional selection or competition considering certain privileges for rural youth and those who live in the Chernobyl polluted region;
·         equal conditions for each student in order to realize their abilities, talent and full personal development;
·         appropriate conditions for free options for training form and type;
·         priority of general human spiritual values humanism and democracy of the training process;
·         logical unity and continuity of the training process and its integration into research work and production;
·         correspondence of the educational level to the requirements of Ukraine.
The main objectives of the College educational activities are:
·         organization of training process based on innovative junior specialist programs concerning scientific, research and professional training of junior specialists;
·         introducing junior specialists training programmes by close integration or research work with training providing fundamental component of both training and researching;
·         accumulation and essential use of scientific, research and pedagogical staff of the College to provide effective level training process;
·         development and introduction into the training process innovative and integrated technologies, methods, technology training, created as results of scientific research;
·         training skilled personnel for innovation development of Ukraine based on creativity, know ledge of modern information technologies, methods of creation;
·         engagement of students to work within research groups in developing and implementing complex of high scientific and technical systems, as a necessary component of educational process;
·         development of virtual educational and scientific information environment with all educational and scientific departments of the university providing access to all participants in the learning process.
Educational process at the College is based on the systematic approach for the purpose to train latitude of student`s opinions, unconventional thinking. Ability to solve general production and socio-economic problems in their interconnection.
Educational process is an integral part of educational activities and provides education of future professionals in the best traditions of common priorities, recovery and development of economy, culture, science in Ukraine.
One of the key areas of strategic objectives of the College is to create a new mechanism of cooperation between all participants in the educational process based on the principle of unity of their interests, capabilities and educational needs of the individual.
There are 55 highly experienced lecturers in Pribrezhnensky College nowadays . There is a great educational basis including both traditional components, and new modern technologies of training specialists which are connected with modern technical abilities. There are 3 modern computer classrooms, a reading hall, a lecture auditorium, 4 cabinets or general and non-general disciplines equipped with multimedia advices and other technical equipment, access to the Internet. The information resources and computer technologies of training specialists are being improved, computer and telecommunication networks have been created.
To Applicants (синій)Press-centreRegional Educational Institutions (синій)

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