Scientific work
The staff of the department carry out research work in the following modern areas of research:
· development and improvement of methods for increasing the productivity of farm animals;
· resource-saving technologies of livestock production;
· study of the influence of feed preparations on animal productivity and product quality;
· environmental problems of the livestock industry;
· technological assessment and efficiency of using animals of domestic and foreign selection of promising specialized productivity areas;
· development of new and improvement of existing technologies for production, primary processing and advanced processing of livestock products;
· increasing the level of general animal resistance;
· implementation of welfare principles in animal husbandry based on ethological factors;
· introduction of information technologies, artificial intelligence of production processes in animal husbandry;
· studying the genetic structure of animal populations using microsatellite and DNA markers.
· study of the genealogical structure of the modern livestock of English thoroughbred horses, Oryol trotting breeds;
· study of polymorphic blood systems of Shetland ponies;
· studying the milk production of mares of the Novooleksandrivsk heavy-duty breed.
Student scientific clubs are constantly operating at the department. Based on the results of their research work, students make presentations at student scientific and practical conferences of the faculty, other institutions and higher education institutions.