P.D. Pshenychnyy Department of Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology

Master programmes

The master's programme « Feeding of Animals»

The curator of the master's programme: Professor Sychev Mikhail 

The master's programme in industrial areas, focused on providing future technology-researchers of modern knowledge, abilities and skills for the management of technological process of harvesting voluminous fodder, mixed fodder production and fodder additives and methods for their effective use in feeding ruminants and monogastrics animals. Includes the study of methods of experiment planning on feeding animals, analysis, systematization and processing of scientific information on standardized feeding animals.

Knowledge and skills which obtained after training allow solve practical problems of production and processing of high-quality and biologically safe livestock products and effectively utilize acquired in professional knowledge and achievements to improve methods of feeding animals in accordance with the requirements of modern technology.

Place of employment of graduates - research-and-production Association, tribal enterprises, institutions NAAN.

The master's programme of « Animal nutrition and feed technology»

The curator of the master's program:

associate Professor Umanets Dmitry 

Address: 03041, , Kiev, street of Heroes, 12, educational building № 7 room 51

Phone: 527-85-55

The main directions of scientific activity:

Energy and protein nutrition of rabbits.

The master's program research directions focused on providing future technology-researchers depth knowledge of the innovative nature of the structure and properties of feed nutrients, scientific laws of their conversion in livestock products, methods of control of the usefulness of animal nutrition, techniques of scientific research on animal feeding. Knowledge and skills which obtained after training allow  to solve problems of production and processing of high-quality and biologically safe livestock products, providing the possibility of producing new knowledge in the field of animal nutrition and forage technologies.

Place of employment of graduates - postgraduate, research institutions of NAAN. 

Press-centreTo Applicants (синій)Regional Educational Institutions (синій)

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