
Head of the Department of General Chemistry, Professor, Doctor of Chemical Sciences
Antraptseva Nadezhda

Phone: (044) 527-80-94, (044) 527-80-96

E-mail: [email protected]

Professor Antraptseva N. provides training for students of educational qualification
• «Bachelor» for directions:
- Forestry and Park Gardening Management;
- Wood processing Technologies;
- Technology of Production and Processing of Livestock Products;
- Food Technologies and Engineering;
• «Specialist» (the second higher education) for direction: "Forestry and Park Gardening Management". 



Associate Professor of General Chemistry
Kochkodan Olga

Phone: (044) 527-80-96

E-mail: [email protected]

Kochkodan O. provides  lectures and studies of general, inorganic and analytical chemistry for students of educational qualification "Bachelor" for directions:
- Water bioresources and aquaculture;
- Food Technology and Engineering;
- Wood processing;
- Forestry and park-gardening and landscape Architecture. 

Personal WEB-site


Associate Professor of General Chemistry
Solod Nadezhda

Phone: (044) 527-80-96

E-mail: [email protected]

Senior lecturer Solod N. provides training in general, inorganic and analytical chemistry at the faculties:
• Quality, standardization and certification of agricultural products;
• Forestry;
• Park gardening and Landscape Architecture.

Personal WEB-site


Senior Lecturer
Zhyla Roman

Phone: (044) 527-80-96

E-mail: [email protected]

 Zhyla R. provides training in general and analytical chemistry at the faculties:
- Water bioresources and aquaculture;
- Energetics and electro-technical systems in agroindustrial complex;
- Park gardening and Landscape Architecture;
- Forestry;
- Technology production and processing of livestock products. 




Senior Lecturer
Kravchenko Olga

Phone: (044) 527-80-96

E-mail: [email protected]

Assistant Kravchenko O. provides laboratory training for students of educational qualification «Bachelor» at the faculties:

        Quality, standardization and certification of agricultural products;

        Mechanics and Technology;

        Water bioresources and aquaculture.

Personal WEB-site



Head of laboratories
Mikhailenko Lyudmila

Phone: (044) 527-80-96

Higher education: Ukrainian Academy of Labor Red Banner Labor Academy, specialty - agrochemistry and soil science, qualification - scientist agronomist, 1983.



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