Zhyla Roman
Zhyla Roman
Associate Professor, Candidate of Chemical Sciences
Zhyla Roman Serhiovych in 2006 graduated from natural - geography faculty Nizhin M.V.Gogol State University. From 2006 to 2009 studied at the graduate school full-time Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry and Petrochemistry NAS of Ukraine at the Department of homogeneous catalysis and petroleum additives. In 2010 defended candidate thesis on "Fullerenes as inhibitors of oxidation of organic compounds" specialty 02.00.13 - Petrochemistry and Coalchemistrty. Work performed under the supervision of Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine prof. Kovtun G.O candidate of chemical Sciences, senior researcher Polunkina E.V
Since September 2012 he has been working as a senior lecturer at the department of general chemistry at NULES of Ukraine.
Educational work
Senior lecturer Zhyla R. provides training in general and analytical chemistry at the faculties:
- Fish farming;
- Energetics and electro-technical systems in agroindustrial complex;
- Park gardening and Landscape Architecture;
- Technology production and processing of livestock products.
Scientific-methodological work
1. Antraptseva N.M/ Analytical chemistry. Electronic laboratory workshop for students on direction of training: 6.051701 - "Food Technologies and Engineering" 6.090102 - "Technology of production and processing of animal products," 6.090201 - "Water Bioresources and Aquaculture" / N.M. Antraptseva, I.G. Ponomareva, N.V. Tkacheva, R.S. Zhyla, O.D. Kochkodan. - 2015. - S. 217.
According to the research 2 articles and 6 abstracts were published in the 2014-2015. 7 reports were made at international and national conferences.
In 2013-2015 scientific papers were published:
1. Polunkyn E.V., Kamenev T.M., Pylyavskyy V.S., Zhyla R.S., O. Gaidai, Troshyn PA Antioxidant properties and antiscoring resistance of halogenated fullerene. Catalysis and petrochemistry. - 2013. - № 20. - S. 70-74.
2. Zhyla R.S. Using of multimedia resources in teaching chemistry for students of agrarian specialties. Prospects for high school development: Collection of scientific articles. V international scientific-research Conf. / Editorial Board.: V.K.Pestys [and others]. - Grodno: HHAU, 2013. -C. 259-260.
3. Polunkin E.V., Kameneva T.M., Zhyla R.S., Troshin P.A. Kinetics and mechanism of oxidation chains breaking of organic compounds by halogenated fullerenes. Sviridov Readings 2014: 6th Intern. Conf. on Chemistry and Chemical Education, Minsk, Belarus, 9-13 Aprl, 2014: Book of Abstr. - Minsk: Publ. Center of BSU, 2014. - P. 9.
4. Polunkin E.V., Kamenev T.N., Zhyla R.S., Troshyn P.A. Effect halogenated fullerene C60 on the processes of oxidation of benzyl alcohol. National Conference "Actual problems of science and methods of teaching": Abstracts Nizhin, 2014. - S. 16-17.
5. Polunkin E.V., Zhyla R.S., Kamenev T.M., Troshyn P.A. Effect of the degree of chlorination fullerene C60 at its antioxidant properties. Mendeleev 2015. Six All-Russian conferences of Young Scientists, postgraduate and students with international participation. Abstracts reports. - St. Petersburg.: Publishing house 2015. - S. 298-299
6. Polunkyn E.V., Kamenev T.N., Zhyla R.S., Troshyn P.A. Antioxidant properties of polymerous nitrogen containing derivatives fullerene C60 Symposium "Modern problems nanocatalysis with international participation 24-28 September 2015 Collection of thesis. Uzhhorod - 2015. - K., 2012. - S. 81.
7. Polunkin E.V., Zhyla R.S., Kamenev T.M., Troshyn P.A. Catalysis chain oxidation of benzyl alcohol nitrogen containing derivatives of fullerene C60 / / II International Scientific and Practical Conference "Coordination compounds: synthesis and properties ": Abstracts. - Nizhin: NDU Nikolai Gogol, 2015. - S. 56-57.