Antraptseva Nadezhda


Professor, Doctor of Chemical Sciences (1998), Soros Adjunct-Professor (1995), member of the New York Academy of Sciences (2000), Honored Lecturer of NULES of Ukraine (2009). Awarded with Honorary diplomas of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine (2003, 2008), Head of the Department of General Chemistry (since 2000).
Antraptseva Nadiia M. has been working at the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine since 1979. Graduated from the Moscow Chemical Technological Institute named by D.I. Mendeleiev, faculty of technology of inorganic compounds (1972). Defended candidate’s thesis entitled "Study of conditions for synthesis and physical-chemical properties of double phosphates of zinc-cobalt" (1984). Defended doctoral thesis entitled "Synthesis and thermolysis of hydrated solid solutions and of divalent metals double phosphates» (1998).
She worked at the Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry of NAU since 1979 (Senior Researcher, postgraduate student, lecturer, assistant professor since 1989, professor since 1999). Head of the Department of General Chemistry since 2000.
Academic work
Professor Antraptseva N.M. provides training for students of educational qualification
• «Bachelor» for directions:
- Forestry and Park Gardening Management
- Wood processing Technologies
- Technology of Production and Processing of Livestock Products
- Food Technologies and Engineering
• «Specialist" (the second higher education) for direction: "Forestry and Park Gardening Management."
Trains students of correspondence form of training at Separated Subdivision of NULESU Lubny Educational and informative consulting center (Forestry Faculty, subject "General Chemistry", "Analytical Chemistry").
Scientific-methodological work
Professor Antraptseva N.M. is a co-author of the textbook "General Chemistry" for engineering specialties of higher institutions of III-IV level of accreditation approved by Ministry of Agriculture, 9 standard programs of subjects for students of agricultural  higher institutions of III-IV level of accreditation ( edition of Scientific Methodological Center of Agricultural Education of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine), 16 training and methodological books, more than 75  laboratory courses and teaching materials for students of NULESU of different directions of training.
Professor Antraptseva N.M. is working on implementation of modern forms, methods and ways of improvement quality of training students into learning process. She has published more than 40 scientific and methodological articles on this problem; she is a participant of international and Ukrainian conferences on theory and methods of teaching basic subjects in higher schools.
In recent 3 years 5 training and methodological books, 9 laboratory courses , 6 guidelines for students’ independent work were published.
In 2013-2015 were published:
1. Antraptseva N., Ponomariova I. Fundamentals of General and Inorganic Chemistry. Manual for self-study students of correspondence form of training, directions of training 6.090103 - "Forestry and Park Gardening," 6.051801 - "Wood processing technologies", 6.090102 - "Technology of production and processing of livestock products." - K. NULES of Ukraine, 2013. - 167 p.
2. Antraptseva N., Ponomariova I., Kochkodan O. Inorganic Chemistry. Laboratory course for students of the directions of training 6.051701 - "Food Technologies and Engineering", 6.090102 - "Technology of production and processing of livestock products," 6.090201 - "Water Bioresources and Aquaculture." - K. NULESS of Ukraine, 2013. - 196 p.
3. Antraptseva N., Ponomariova I., Kochkodan O., Tkachova N. General Chemistry. Laboratory course for students of directions course training 6.090103 - "Forestry and Park Gardening," 6.051801 - " Wood processing technologies." - K. NULES of Ukraine, 2013. - 185 p.
4. Antraptseva N., Ponomariova I. Chemistry (with the principles of electrochemistry). Laboratory course for students of directions of training 6.0906 - "Electrical Engineering", 6.100101 - "Energetics and electro technical systems in agro industrial complex," 0925 - "Automation and Computer Integrated Technologies". - K. NULES of Ukraine, 2013. - 193 p.
5. Antraptseva N., Ponomariova I. Chemistry. Methodological instructions for students' individual work of the directions of training 6.050503 - "Mechanical Engineering",  6.070101 - "Transport Technologies", 6.100102 - "Processes, machinery and equipment of agro industrial production." - K. NULES of Ukraine, 2014. - 194 p.
6. Antraptseva N., Ponomariova I. Analytical chemistry. Laboratory course for students of direction of training 6.090103 - "Forestry and Park Gardening." - K: NULES of Ukraine, 2014. - 144 p.
7. Antraptseva N., Ponomariova I. Chemistry. Methodological instructions for students' individual work of the directions of training 0902 - "Engineering Mechanics", 0925 - "Automation and Computer Integrated Technologies". - K. NULES of Ukraine, 2014. - 188 p.
8. Antraptseva N., Ponomariova I., Kochkodan O., Tkachova N. General Chemistry.  Fundamentals of theory and laboratory course for students of directions of training 6.090301 - "Forestry and Park Gardening," 6.051801 -" Wood processing technologies." - K. NULES of Ukraine, 2014. - 168 p.
9. Antraptseva N., Ponomariova I., Tkachova N. Analytical chemistry. Laboratory course and tests for student of directions of training 6.051701 - "Food Technologies and Engineering", 6.090102 - "Technology of production and processing of livestock products," 6.090201 - "Water Bioresources and Aquaculture." – K. NULES of Ukraine, 2015. - 148 p.
10. Antraptseva N., Ponomariova I., Kochkodan O. Inorganic Chemistry. Laboratory course for students of directions of training 6.090102 -  "Technology of production and processing of livestock products," 6.090201 - "Water Bioresources and Aquaculture." - K. NULES of Ukraine, 2015. - 172 p.
11. Antraptseva N., Ponomariova I. Analytical chemistry. Workbook (with fundamentals of theory) for individual work of students of the direction of training 6.090301 -"Forestry and Park Gardening." - K. NULES of Ukraine, 2015. - 112 p.
Scientific work
Direction of the department’s research performed under the supervision of Professor Antraptseva N.M. - "Chemistry of mono and divalent metal polyphosphates and their solid solutions" – is a part of the work plan of the Scientific Council on "Inorganic Chemistry" National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Today this basic research is focused on the development of theoretical aspects of the character of solid inorganic phosphate hydrolysis of crystalline divalent metals and their application to physical-chemical reasoning conditions of controlled synthesis of mono-, di-and polyphosphates.
Professor Antraptseva N.M. is the author or co-author of more than 380 scientific publications, including more than 190 scientific articles, 4 scientific and methodological recommendations focused on synthesis and practical use of hydrated and anhydrous solid solutions of mono-, di-and polyphosphates of divalent metals. More than 110 patents of Ukraine, Russia, USSR patents for inventions prove the priority of research. Under her leadership 5 Candidates of Chemical Sciences were prepared. She is a member of the Scientific Council on "Inorganic Chemistry" of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor Antraptseva N.M. is an academic advisor of 2 initiative scientific themes registered in Ukrainian Institute of Scientific-Technical Information:
1. Physical-chemical reasoning of processes of double salts formation and solid solutions of compounds of divalent metals with tetrahedral anion.
2. Investigation the behavior of individual and double polyphosphates of divalent metals (Mg, Mn, Co, Zn) in soil solutions.
According to the results of research in the 2013-2015:
- 26 articles in scientific journals of various levels;
- 21 abstracts were published.
- 17 patents of Ukraine for useful models,
- 6 acts of implementation were received.
According to the results of completed research scientific guidelines were prepared.
Main scientific and methodological articles published in 2013-2015:
1. Antraptseva N. Synthesis of solid solution of hydrated diphosphate Co (II) and Mn (II) / N.M. Antraptseva, N.V. Tkachova / / Ukrainian Chemical Journal . - 2011. - T. 77, № 7-8. - P. 28-32.2. Antraptseva N.M. Thermal transformations of solid solution diphosphate CO2-xMnxP2O7 ∙ 6H2O / N.M. Antraptseva, N.V. Tkachova / / Ukrainian Chemical Journal. - 2013. - T. 77, № 9-10. - P. 15-20.
3. Antraptseva N.M. Synthesis and catalytic properties of solid solution of Co (II), Zn phosphates / N.M. Antraptseva / / International Scientific Journal Acta Universitatis Pontica Euxinus (Special number) / Proceedings VII International Conference "Strategy of Quality in Industry and Education", June 3-10 2013, Varna, Bulgaria. - 2013. - V. I, P. 19-22.
4. Ponomariova I.G. Synthesis of anticorrosive pigment on the base of Zn-Ca phosphate / I.G. Ponomariova, N.M. Antraptseva / / at the same place. - V.1, P. 163-165.
5. Antraptseva N.M. Energy saving synthesis a solid solution of cobalt (II) - manganese (II) diphosphates / N.M. Antraptseva, N.V. Tkachova, A.A. Klyugvant, / / at the same place ​​. - V.3, P. 405-408.
6. Ponomariova I.G. Principle of intellectualization of the engineering education in the light of requirements of the bolonsky convention / I.G. Ponomareva, N.M.  Antraptseva, G.N. Bila / / at the same place. - V.1, P. 269-272.
7. Antraptseva N.M. New accents in the organisation of individual work of student's / NM Antraptseva, I.G.Ponomareva, M.R. Kantserova, G.N. Bila / / at the same place. - V.2, P. 421-424.
8. Ponomariova I.G. Condensed phosphates in Technologies of metal working / I.G. Ponomariova, N.M. Antraptseva / / at the same place. - V.2, P. 234-237.
9. Antraptseva N.M. Effect of new mineral feed supplementation on milk cow productivity and quality of milk / N.M. Antraptseva, I.H. Ponomariova / / Collection of articles of III International scientific conference "Innovative processes in agro industrial complex." Moscow, 13-15 April 2013 – M., 2013. - P. 75-77.
10. Ponomariova I.G. Environmental aspects of application of new phosphate fertilizers with microelements / I.G. Ponomariova, N.M. Antraptseva / / at the same place. - P. 195-197.
11. Antraptseva N.M. Multimedia Technologies in courses of Chemistry: experience and prospects of application / N.M. Antraptseva, I.H. Ponomariova / / Coll. of scientific works. Proceedings of IV International scientific-method. Conference "Prospects of higher schools development ". - Grodno, 2014. - P. 208-210.
12. Ponomariova I.G. About some methodical aspects of improving quality of knowledge on chemistry / I.G. Ponomariova, N.M. Antraptseva, G.M. Bila / / at the same place. - P. 388-390.
13. Antraptseva N.M. Physical-chemical substantiation of streamlined synthesis of solid solutions of condensed phosphates Mn (II) and Zn / N.M. Antraptseva, I.H. Ponomariova / / Collection of articles of the International Conference «Study of materials using methods of thermal analysis, gas calorimetry and persorption". 1-2 March 2015 St. Petersburg. - St. Petersburg Russia: Poltorak, 2015. - P. 3-7.
14. Antraptseva N.M. Application of DTA method for optimization of conditions for obtaining anhydrous diphosphates Co(II)-Mn (II) from their  krystallohydrates / N.M. Antraptseva, N.V. Tkachova / / at the same place. - P. 51-55.
15. Rudyi I.V. Thermal properties of Zn2Ca (PO4) 2 • 2H2O and materials of its dehydration / I.V. Rudyi, N.M. Antraptseva, I.H. Ponomariova / / at the same place. - P. 46-50.
16. Antraptseva N.M. Energy-saving technology of anhydrous diphosphates zinc-cobalt (II) / N.M. Antraptseva, N.V. Tkachova, I.G. Ponomariova / / Collection of articles of II International scientific-practical conference "Problems of sustainable development regions of the Republic of Belarus and adjoining countries", 27-29 March 2012, MSU named by A.A. Kuleshov, Mogilev: Part 2 - Mogilev: "MSU named after A.A. Kuleshov", 2015. - Part 2. - P. 97-101.
17. Ponomariova I.G. About environment-oriented aspects of new condensed phosphates use / I.G. Ponomariova, N.M. Antraptseva, S.A. Priimak / / at the same place. - P. 155-159.
18. Antraptseva N.M. Research work of students as a means to develop their creative potential / N.M. Antraptseva, I.G. Ponomariova / / Proceedings of X International scientific conference "Theory and methods of teaching basic subjects in higher school", 6-9 April 2015 Kryvy Rih. - Krivy Rih University Publishing Department, 2015. - Issue. VII. - P. 28-33.
19. Turco O.V., Antraptseva N.M. About conditions for obtaining new solid solutions based on Zn3 (PO4) 2. 4H2O / / Coll. Abstracts of the Fourteenth International Conference of Students and Postgraduates «Modern problems of chemistry". Kyiv: Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National University, 15-17 May 2015 - K.: Publishing center "Kyiv University", 2015. - P. 57.
20. Hrysyuk T.S., Paseka I.A. (Supervisor: prof. Antraptseva N.M.) Low-temperature synthesis of polyphosphates Co (II)-Mg / / Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference "Technology 2015". Sievierodonetsk: Institute of Technology SNU named after V.Dal, 26 -27 April 2015 - Sievierodonetsk: Printing Center Institute of Technology SNU named after V.Dal, 2015. – Part I, P. 182-183.
21. Hrysyuk T.S., Korolchuk Y.P. (Supervisor: prof. Antraptseva N.M.) Improvement of methods for producing hydrated zinc-magnesium phosphates / / Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference "Technology 2015". Sievierodonetsk: Institute of Technology SNU named after V.Dal, 26 -27 April 2015 - Sievierodonetsk: Printing Center Institute of Technology SNU named ater V.Dal, 2015. – Part I, P. 181-182.
Patents of Ukraine on useful model obtained in 2013-2015:
1. Antraptseva N.M., Ponomariova I.G. Magnesium-manganese (II) dihydrogenphosphate tetrahydrate. Patent of Ukraine on useful model № 66706, appl. 11.07.2012 (application № u 2011 08725). Publ. 10.01.2013, Bull. № 1.
2. Antraptseva N.M., Ponomariova I.G. Solid solution of magnesium and cobalt (II) dihydrogenphosphate. Patent of Ukraine on useful model № 66705, appl. 11.07.2012 (application № u 2011 08723). Publ. 10.01.2013, Bull. № 1.
3. Antraptseva N.M., Ponomariova I.G., Povshuk V.A. Method of producing double zinc-cobalt phosphate. Patent of Ukraine on useful model № 68325, appl. 02.08.2012 (application № u 2011 09662). Publ. 26.03.2013, Bull. № 6.
4. Antraptseva N.M., Ponomariova I.G., Turco O.V. Method of producing double average zinc-magnesium phosphates tetrahydrate. Patent of Ukraine on useful model № 69078, appl. 02.08.2012 (application № u 2011 09665). Publ. 25.04.2013, Bull. № 8.
5. Antraptseva N.M., Ponomariova I.G., Grysyuk T.S. Method of producing solid solution phosphate anhydrous medium cobalt (II) and magnesium. Patent of Ukraine on useful model № 69077, appl. 02.08.2012 (application № u 2011 09663). Publ. 25.04.2013, Bull. № 8.   
6. Antraptseva N.M., Ponomariova I.G., Sukhovetska I.G.  Method of producing solid solution of medium phosphates of cobalt (II) and manganese (II) octahydrates. Patent of Ukraine on useful model № 68327, appl. 02.08.2012 (application № u 2011 09669). Publ. 26.03.2013, Bull. № 6.
7. Antraptseva N.M., Ponomariova I.G., Ivanenko O.M. Method of producing  manganese (II)-zinc dihydrates dihydrogenphosphates. Patent of Ukraine on useful model № 68332, appl. 02.08.2013 (application № u 2011 09677). Publ. 26.03.2014, Bull. № 6.
8. Antraptseva N.M., Ponomariova I.G., Lukoianova Y.F. Solid solution of cobalt (II), manganese (II) and magnesium dihydrogenphosphates. Patent of Ukraine on useful model № 68330, appl. 02.08.2013 (application № u 2011 09672). Publ. 26.03.2014, Bull. № 6.
9. Antraptseva N.M., Ponomariova I.G.  Method of producing solid solution of magnesium and cobalt (II) dihydrogenphosphates. Patent of Ukraine on useful model № 68333, appl. 02.08.2013 (application № u 2011 09678). Publ. 26.03.2014, Bull. № 6.
10. Antraptseva N.M., Ponomariova I.G., Bilinskii Y.Y. Heterometallic manganese (II) - cobalt (II)- copper phosphates. Patent of Ukraine on useful model № 68326, appl. 02.08.2013(application № u 2011 09668). Publ. 26.03.2014, Bull.
№ 6.
11. Antraptseva N.M., Ponomariova I.G. Triple monobasic phosphates of zinc-cobalt-magnesium dihydrate. Patent of Ukraine on useful model № 66707, appl. 11.07.2014 (application № u 2011 08727). Publ. 10.01.2015, Bull. № 1.
12. Antraptseva N.M., Ponomariova I.G., Grysyuk T.S. Method of producing anhydrous mono phosphates of zinc-magnesium. Patent of Ukraine on useful model № 74925, appl. 28.05.2014 (application № u 2012 06461). Publ. 12.10.2015, Bull.  № 21.
13. Antraptseva N.M., Ponomariova I.G., Turco O.V. Solid solution of magnesium and zinc hydrogen phosphates. Patent of Ukraine on useful model № 75337, appl. 28.05.2014 (application № u 2012 06464). Publ. 26.10.2015, Bull. № 22.


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