Senior Lecturer, Candidate of Chemical Sciences
Solod (Tkacheva) Nadiya Volodymyrivna in 2001 graduated from agrochemistry and soil science faculty with honor at National Agricultural University. From 2002 to 2005 studied at the graduate school full-time at the Department of General Chemistry NAU. Since 2005 she has been working as an assistant at the department of General Chemistry.
In February 2009 Solod Nadiya defended thesis entitled "Synthesis and thermolysis of hydrated diphosphate solid solutions of manganese (II), cobalt (II), zinc" specialty 02.00.01 - Inorganic Chemistry at the Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry V.I.Vernadsky NAS of Ukraine This work was led by Doctor of chemical sciences, professor Antraptseva N.M.
Since December 2009 Solod N. has been working a senior lecturer at the department of general chemistry NULES of Ukraine.
Educational work:
Senior lecturer Solod N.V. provides training in general, inorganic and analytical chemistry at the faculties:
• Quality, standardization and certification of agricultural products;
• Forestry;
• Park gardening and Landscape Architecture.
Scientific-methodological work
In 2014-2015, co-published:
8. Antraptseva N., Ponomariova I., Kochkodan O., Tkachova N. General Chemistry. Fundamentals of theory and laboratory course for students of directions of training 6.090301 - "Forestry and Park Gardening," 6.051801 -" Wood processing technologies." - K. NULES of Ukraine, 2014. - 168 p.
9. Antraptseva N., Ponomariova I., Tkachova N. Analytical chemistry. Laboratory course and tests for student of directions of training 6.051701 - "Food Technologies and Engineering", 6.090102 - "Technology of production and processing of livestock products," 6.090201 - "Water Bioresources and Aquaculture." – K. NULES of Ukraine, 2015. - 148 p.
Field of scientific research: "Synthesis and properties of diphosphate of divalent metals and its solid solutions."
The main scientific works for the 2013-2015:
1. Antraptseva N. Synthesis of solid solution of hydrated diphosphate Co (II) and Mn (II) / N.M. Antraptseva, N.V. Tkachova / / Ukrainian Chemical Journal . - 2013. - T. 77, № 7-2. - P. 28-32.2. Antraptseva N.M. Thermal transformations of solid solution diphosphate CO2-xMnxP2O7 ∙ 6H2O / N.M. Antraptseva, N.V. Tkachova / / Ukrainian Chemical Journal. - 2013. - T. 77, № 9-10. - P. 15-20. Antraptseva N.M. Energy saving synthesis a solid solution of cobalt (II) - manganese (II) diphosphates / N.M. Antraptseva, N.V. Tkachova, A.A. Klyugvant, / / International Scientific Journal Acta Universitatis Pontica Euxinus (Special number) / Proceedings VII International Conference "Strategy of Quality in Industry and Education", June 3-10 2013, Varna, Bulgaria. - 2013. - V.3, P. 405-408.
3. Antraptseva N.M. Application of DTA method for optimization of conditions for obtaining anhydrous diphosphates Co(II)-Mn (II) from their krystallohydrates / N.M. Antraptseva, N.V. Tkachova / / Collection of articles of the International Conference «Study of materials using methods of thermal analysis, gas calorimetry and persorption". 1-2 March 2014 St. Petersburg. - St. Petersburg Russia: Poltorak, 2014. - P. 51-55.
4. Antraptseva N.M. Energy-saving technology of anhydrous diphosphates zinc-cobalt (II) / N.M. Antraptseva, N.V. Tkachova, I.G. Ponomariova / / Collection of articles of II International scientific-practical conference "Problems of sustainable development regions of the Republic of Belarus and adjoining countries", 27-29 March 2015 MSU named by A.A. Kuleshov, Mogilev: Part 2 - Mogilev: "MSU named after A.A. Kuleshov", 2015. - Part 2. - P. 97