Department of Standardization and Certification of Agricultural Products

Scientific-Research Activity

   The scientific direction of the department is development, improvement and harmonization of regulations for agricultural and food products, animal feeds and quality and safety control methods.
   Since 2002 the department developed 34 different categories of normative documents: State Standards of Ukraine and technical conditions (ГОСТ, ДСТУ, ГСТУ, ТУ ), and national standards that harmonized with international ones. Scientists of the department have published 3 books and over 80 articles in professional journals, received 5 patents, published over 60 abstracts at different levels of conferences, symposia and seminars. Department members conduct research work with the students, resulting in published articles, presentations and theses.
The Department has scientific group where students can master the theory and deepen their knowledge of methodology and technology of organization and research activities.


Printed editions of the department

   The department has a library that contains over 1000 sources: various catalogs, standards indexes and up to date texts of International, European, and National standards for various categories, normative documents, legislation and regulations, as well as modern textbooks, manuals, books and professional journals in the field of quality management, standardization and certification.

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