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Project site FoodSaCo
The Jean Monnet Module in the EU food safety control could contribute to better understanding of the applied system of European food safety assurance and the objectives of official food control at EU level within the frameworks of different types of competencies. The Module will include teaching course (44 hs for each academic group) and two summer schools 20 hs each, and will comprise 348 contact hours and cover about 300 students/learners during 3-year period.
The objective of this project is to organize a course on EU Food Safety Control. This module aims to promote understanding of the key elements of the food assurance system of the EU. The course will have an added value from the point of developing and modernizing the curricula and understanding the role of the EU and national bodies in managing the food safety policy, and thereby providing students with relevant knowledge for the employment market.
The offered course will improve the teaching contents of master and postgraduate programs for veterinarians at the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (NULES) and substantially contribute to the extension of the number of students studying European integration through involving, besides veterinarians, researchers, experts, policy-makers, stakeholders in open summer school lectures and workshops.
Control of organic products according to European requirements
We share our experience and knowledge among students of the National University of Food Technology
Working together to improve the control system in Ukraine and bring it closer to the European one
Requirements for the production of organic food - in the course "EU FOOD SAFETY CONTROL"
Modernization of educational programs in the context of European integration of national higher education and harmonization of a unified approach to the teaching of relevant key topics on food safety in the training program for veterinarians
We learn from European leaders in the feed industry
The next stage of the Jean Monnet Module "EU Food Safety Control" has started
"Organic Ukraine 2018" is at the center of the main event of a promising industry
Jean Monnet module "EU Food Safety Control"
Opening of the module "EU Food Safety Control"
Problems of food safety and sustainable use of water resources

Project Leader
Prof. Dr.Olga Yakubchak

Coordinator of the project
Dr. Mariia Galaburda

Team member, expert in organic farming and inspection
Dr. Ruslan Bilyk