Jean Monnet Academic Module "EU FOOD SAFETY CONTROL" (587548-EPP-1-2017-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE)

Link to the European Comission page 

Project site FoodSaCo

The Jean Monnet Module in the EU food safety control could contribute to better understanding of the applied system of European food safety assurance and the objectives of official food control at EU level within the frameworks of different types of competencies. The Module will include teaching course (44 hs for each academic group) and two summer schools 20 hs each, and will comprise 348 contact hours and cover about 300 students/learners during 3-year period.

The objective of this project is to organize a course on EU Food Safety Control. This module aims to promote understanding of the key elements of the food assurance system of the EU. The course will have an added value from the point of developing and modernizing the curricula and understanding the role of the EU and national bodies in managing the food safety policy, and thereby providing students with relevant knowledge for the employment market.

The offered course will improve the teaching contents of master and postgraduate programs for veterinarians at the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (NULES) and substantially contribute to the extension of the number of students studying European integration through involving, besides veterinarians, researchers, experts, policy-makers, stakeholders in open summer school lectures and workshops.








ONLINE SPRING SCHOOL "Towards food safety assurance: Approaches in Implementing and Enforcing European Food Safety Control"

Jean Monnet's project on European food safety control in NULES of Ukraine: experience in obtaining and implementing a grant agreement

Control of organic products according to European requirements

We share our experience and knowledge among students of the National University of Food Technology


 Working together to improve the control system in Ukraine and bring it closer to the European one







SPRING SCHOOL Jean Monnet module "EU Food Safety Control " "Towards Food Safety: Approaches to Implementing and Enforsing European Food Safety Control"

Master's students of "Veterinary Sanitation, Hygiene and Expertise" began their acquaintance with the food safety control system in the European Union

Requirements for the production of organic food - in the course "EU FOOD SAFETY CONTROL"

Modernization of educational programs in the context of European integration of national higher education and harmonization of a unified approach to the teaching of relevant key topics on food safety in the training program for veterinarians

We learn from European leaders in the feed industry

Leader of the Module "EU Food Safety Control", Professor Olga Yakubchak spoke at the All-Ukrainian Round Table "Pest Control: Challenges for Ukraine in the Globalization"

We discuss the need and possibilities of modernizing the educational program for the training of veterinarians

The next stage of the Jean Monnet Module "EU Food Safety Control" has started


MEMORANDUM OF COOPERATION between the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection and the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

Erasmus + Jean Monnet Project Participant of the International Summer School SUSTAINABLE FOOD PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION IN THE EU: CHALLENGES FOR UKRAINE

Lecture on control of organic production for official Veterinary inspectors, teachers and scientists of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

"Organic Ukraine 2018" is at the center of the main event of a promising industry

International scientific-practical conference "Food safety control. Ukraine-EU: unresolved issues" took place

Jean Monnet module "EU Food Safety Control"

Opening of the module "EU Food Safety Control"

Problems of food safety and sustainable use of water resources




Project Leader
Prof. Dr.Olga Yakubchak



DrSc and Professor in Veterinary sciences. Has long-term research and teaching experience in food quality and safety assessment. Has practical experience in implementation of international and European standards into Ukrainian system of standards and practice. She had also served as expert or consultant at national institutions (member of technical commission 93/3 "Control of food safety", National Codex Alimentarius Commission of Ukraine (2006-2015)). She has a certificate (No: UA/009/000016) in “Food Safety Management according HACCP” (in accordance with the Article 5 of Regulation (EC) No 852/2004). In 2008 she was the participant from Ukraine in Better training for safer food (BTSF) course of The Health and Consumers DG of the EC “Auditing HACCP System” covering European food and feed law, animal health and welfare and plant health rules. The three last academic years she elaborated and implemented the obligatory lecture courses for masters’ students in “Analysis of microbiological risks in food and forage”, “The system of food and forage safety”, “Official audit system of ensuring the safety of food and forage”.



Coordinator of the project
Dr. Mariia Galaburda



PhD in Biological sciences. 15 Years Experience in research and teaching in food risk assessment approaches. She is an assistant professor in the National University of Life and Environmental Science. 7 years lecturing experience for English-speaking students in food safety and quality. She is an active participant of European educational programs and International research programme (NATO CLG (SA LST.CLG977291), Dutch-Ukrainian project Infomoloko, trainings under the Twinning projects “Support for the Ukrainian Veterinary Services in enhancing the Legal and Technical Aspects of Food Safety Control System”, project EuropAid/114025/C/SV/UA at Workshop on EU requirements for Import of Animal Products. Reported at the international seminar "EU requirements to imports of products of animal origin" on "Compliance with the EU requirements in the field of quality and safety of dairy products". She completed the Inspector Training Course of Bureu Veritas for “Food Safety Management: HACCP Principles and ISO 22000:2005” (Certificate No: UA/034/00052) and has experience of auditing food enterprises.



Team member, expert in organic farming and inspection
Dr. Ruslan Bilyk



PhD in Veterinary and Sanitary Examination. Experience in Food quality and safety and elaboration, implementation of standards, procedures, instructions, orders, regulations. Participated in European educational programs  Dutch-Ukrainian project Infomoloko, trainings under the Twinning projects “Support for the Ukrainian Veterinary Services in enhancing the Legal and Technical Aspects of Food Safety Control System”. Was engaged in carrying out courses for implementation of GLP, GMP at the Institute of Graduate Studies of National Agricultural University of Ukraine. Expert of organic farming in the project of Swiss Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL),  Facilitator Dairy, Swiss-Ukrainian Project «Organic Market Development in Ukraine», Production Inspector of Organic Standard Ltd.



To Applicants (синій)Press-centreRegional Educational Institutions (синій)

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