Scientific and innovation activity
The main areas of research work of the department are related to geo-informational monitoring of agro-landscapes, the use of technologies of remote sensing of the Earth in environmental protection, scientific substantiation of the forecast of the yield of grain crops based on the data of remote sensing of the Earth, assessment of the condition of crops, development of geospatial databases to ensure monitoring soil quality.

With the participation of the NPP of the department, scientific studies were conducted and are currently being conducted within the framework of research works related to:
- scientific substantiation of the forecast of the productivity of grain crops based on the data of remote sensing of the Earth;
- development of a system for monitoring agricultural resources and forecasting their condition to ensure agro-industrial production of plant products;
- substantiation of the method of determining the condition of crops and their productivity based on updated Earth remote sensing data;
- development of methodical foundations and normative and information support of the system of comprehensive accounting and use of forest resources in the conditions of an urbanized environment;
- development of a technique for using terrestrial information and data from remote sensing of the Earth in forecasting the yield of grain crops;
- creation of a system of information and analytical support for state administration bodies and agricultural structures with data presentation in a geospatial environment;
- the development of a differentiated management system in the forest ecosystems of the Ukrainian Carpathians;
- development of a geospatial database to ensure the monitoring of agricultural land.
Prospects of scientific work of the department:
- deployment of research work, preparation and submission of international scientific and educational projects;
- intensification of the work of scientific circles;
- international internships of the NPP;
- expanding participation in international symposia, conferences, and workshops.