Educational work
The department prepares specialists of OS " Bachelor " and "Master " in specialty 193 "Geodesy and land management" , branch of knowledge 19 "Architecture and construction".
The department provides teaching of the following disciplines:
- for students of OS "Bachelor": Automated land and cadastral systems; Algorithms and data structures; Geoinformatics, informatics and programming; Geoinformation systems and databases; Geoinformation technologies; Development of web applications; Remote sensing of the Earth; Remote monitoring of land resources; IT infrastructure management of monitoring systems; Spatial organization of crop rotation; Digital plans and maps; Computer-aided land cadastral systems; Digital mapping; Geoinformatics, informatics and programming; Geoinformation systems and databases; Remote sensing for land resources monitoring;
- for students of OS "Master": Geoinformation analysis and modeling; GIS in cadastral systems; GIS of natural resources; Integration of GIS, DZZ and GNSS; Information modeling and programming; Methods of remote sensing of the Earth; Geospatial data processing technologies; GIS in agrochemical service.
The department operates the master's program "Geoinformation systems in land management",which is aimed at providing theoretical knowledge, forming practical skills and mastering geo-information technologies for their implementation in the land cadastre system, information support for land management, the use of geo-information analysis and aerospace data in cadastral systems, for the creation and updating of cadastral maps and plans; providing theoretical foundations and practical skills for the development of a system of geo-informational monitoring of land resources at various levels, a geospatial data base, the development of scientific and methodological principles for the use of remote sensing data of the Earth and digital processing of aerospace data as an important component of geospatial data in the structure of geo-informational monitoring of land resources.

The staff of the department, 2007 and 2011.

The staff of the department, 2013 and 2016.