Department staff

Department of Geoinformatics and Aerospace Research of the Earth

Head of department
Antonina Moskalenko

Phone: (044) 257-93-87

E-mail: [email protected]

Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences

The direction of scientific activity: development of geospatial data bases, geo-information mapping for assessing the state of land resources; geoinformation modeling to ensure rational use and protection of land resources.


Teaches disciplines:

Bachelor degree

  • Geoinformation systems and databases;
  • Digital plans and maps;
  • Geodatabase design;
  • Management of the IT infrastructure of monitoring systems

Master degree

  • GIS in cadastral systems.



Associate Professor
Anton Koshel

Phone: (044) 257-93-87

E-mail: [email protected]

Associate Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences


The direction of scientific activity: mass assessment of real estate, business analysis, risk insurance when using agricultural land; application of geoinformation technologies to provide municipal, cadastral information systems; spatial modeling.

Teaches disciplines:
Bachelor degree
  • Geoinformatics, informatics and programming;
  • Statistical methods in land management;
  • Computer-aided land cadastral systems;
  • Spatial organization of crop rotation.
Master degree
  • GIS in cadastral systems. 
Author and co-author of 135 scientific and methodological works.




Senior Lecturer
Bohdan Denysiuk

Phone: (044) 257-93-87

E-mail: [email protected]

The direction of scientific activity

Teaches disciplines:
Bachelor's degree: 
  • Geoinformation technologies;
  • Algorithms and data structures;
  • Geoinformation systems and databases;
  • Development of web applications.

Bohdanna Zayachkivska

Phone: (044) 257-93-87

E-mail: [email protected]

Candidate of Economic Sciences


The direction of scientific activity: coordination of ecological, economic and social directions of land use (rational land use), ecological and economic modeling of rational land and resource potential use, sustainable development of territories, increase of added value in the process of land use, etc.


Teaches disciplines:

Bachelor degree

  • Geoinformatics, informatics and programming;
  • Geoinformation systems and databases;
  • GIS in cadastral systems;
  • Remote Sensing for Land Resourses Monitoring 

Master degree:

  • GIS in cadastral systems;
  • Geoinformation analysis and modeling



Bratinova Mariia

Phone: (044) 257-93-87

E-mail: [email protected]

The direction of scientific activity: development of an information-analytical system for evaluating farm land; spatial modeling; classification of satellite images for crop identification; automation of data collection and normalization processes in geospatial databases, and so on.


Teaches disciplines:

Bachelor degree

  • Digital plans and maps;
  • Geoinformatics, Informatics and Programming;
  • Geoinformation systems and databases;
  • Remote Sensing for Land Resourses Monitoring 

Anastasia Horodnycha

Phone: (044) 257-93-87

E-mail: [email protected]

The direction of scientific activity: development of geoinformation systems and geospatial data bases.


Teaches disciplines:

Bachelor degree

  • Geoinformatics, Informatics and Programming;
  • Geoinformation systems and databases



Head of Laboratory
Anastasia Kravchuk

Phone: (044) 257-93-87

E-mail: [email protected]

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