Research work
At the Department of obstetrics, gynecology and animal reproduction biotechnology functions Scientifically-researching problematiclaboratory "Physiology and pathology of animalreproduction". The main areas of research in laboratory are:
-Physiology and pathology of cowsfetoplacentic complex
-Physiology and pathology of animals mammary gland
-Development of stimulation techniques of active spots (acupuncture, electropuncture, termopuncture), introduction of complex phytodrugsfor reatment of gynecological pathologies of cows
-Study of physiology and pathology of cows parturition, afterparturition period and stimulating methods high-productive cows breeding activity
-Biotechnology of small domestic animals reproduction
-Biotechnologycal aspects of pig breeding
Areas of the main priority in science research of the department are:
- Development of the immune homeosthasis diagnostic in cows, it’s changes in relation with cows reproductive problems
-Improvement of diagnostics methods, therapy and prophylaxis of obstericstic and gynecological illnesses in high-productive cows
-Studying of causes, diagnostics and prophylaxis of fetoplacentar complex pathologies in cows
-Questions of physiology and pathology of mammal gland
-Obstetric andgynecological clinical examination of cows
-Physiology and pathology of small animals
Department employees performscientific and research works on state budget, contract and initiative themes:
-Initiative topic “Cats and dogs breeding regulation” (state registration number 0111U008873)- performed by candidate of vet.sciences, senior lecturer B.M. Lakatash.
- Initiative topic “Development of modern treatment and prophylaxis methodsfor ovary illnesses of cows”- performed by candidate of vet.sciences, senour lecturer U.V. Shuck
-Initiative topic “Develop biotechnological basis for artificial insemination of dogs”- performed by candidate of vet.sciences, senior lecturer S.S. Derkach
After the results of the clinical-experimental documents, 7 patents were issued for the patents and usefull models.