Department of Veterinary Reproduction

Educational work

As a clinicaldiscipline, "Obstetrics, gynecologyandbiotechnologyofreproductionoffarmanimalswiththebasicsofandrology", it takestheleadingplaceinthesystemoftrainingandformationofspecialistsinveterinarymedicine.
ThestructureofthecourseondisciplineforstudentsoftheFacultyofVeterinaryMedicine OS "Master" onthebasisof OR "Bachelor" includes: lectures - 30 hours, laboratoryclasses - 30 hours, trainingpractice - 36 hours.
Forstudentswith a shortertermofstudythestructureofthecourseincludes: lectures - 30 hours, laboratoryclasses - 90 hours, trainingpractice - 36 hours.
Thestructureofthecourseondiscipline "Practicalobstetrics, gynecologyandartificialinseminationoffarmanimals" forstudentsoftheFacultyofVeterinaryMedicineofthe OR "Bachelor" with a fulltermof 4 yearsincludes: lectures - 45 hours, laboratoryclasses - 90 hours, trainingpractice - 72 hours.
In order to consolidate the theoretical material and obtain practical skills, the clinical classes on disciplines are conducted on the basis of educational-research facilities of the National University of Bioresources and Natural Resources of Ukraine.
During the educational process, students write the course work in the form of an academic history of the disease. Students independently performes the tasks for the treatment of animal diseases during clinical classes, passing of training in educational institutions of NUBIP Ukraine, in-patient clinics of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, and also during clinical days, alternating in veterinary clinics for small animals.
According to the results of experimental studies, generalizations of literary information, the curator prepares an academic history of the disease. The completely work helps to consolidate the theoretical knowledge gained during the study of the discipline "Obstetrics, gynecology and biotechnology of reproduction of farm animals with the basics of andrology", "Practical obstetrics, gynecology and artificial insemination of farm animals" and acquisition of skills of making independent decisions of practical veterinary medicine.
The educational practices with the subject "Biotechnology of animal" and "Obstetrics and Gynecology" held at the EP NULES Ukraine "VelykosnitynskeERF of O.V. Muzychenko ", " Agronomic Research Station ", " ERF Vorzel ", " Agricultural College of Nemishayev" where students work out of methods for obtaining sperm from bulls, conduct its visual and microscopic evaluation, identify animals with excitement stage of sexual cycle and work out of different methods of artificial insemination, acquire practical skills in clinical, laboratory and instrumental methods of diagnosis, therapy and prevention of obstetric and gynecological pathology in animals, and mammary gland diseases too.

Carrying out a clinical lesson on the topic "Ultrasound of pregnancy"
The department have three scientific student clubs: "Embryo transplantation", "Physiology and pathology of reproduction of animals", "Physiology and pathology of the mammary gland".
Students clubs annually execute and successfully defend 10-15 master's works under the leadership of the teachers of the departmentin the State Examination Committees, the materials of which are reported at scientific-industrial and international scientific student conferences.


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