Address: 03041, Kyiv, Potekhin str., 16, building № 12
Tel.: (044) 527-83-46
E-mail: [email protected]

Head of department:
Oleksandr A. Valchuk
PhD, associated professor
Department of Veterinary Reproduction takes the beginning with the formation of Kyiv Veterinary Zootechnical Institute (1920).
As an independent veterinary department of obstetrics and gynecology was founded in 1937 and its first head was docent K.I. Turkevych, who headed the department until July 1951. For a further 33 years department was controlled by professor Nagorny I.S. From 1985 to 1994 department was headed by the docent Polishchuk V.P., and from 1994 to 1998 - Assistant Professor V. Lakatosh. Since 1998 the department manages Professor V. Lyubetsky.
The important achievements of employees of the department of obstetrics, gynecology and biotechnology of animal NULES of Ukraine should consider the introduction of scientific research into practice through international scientific conference "Modern problems of physiology and pathology of animal reproduction." The latest, held in October 2009, was attended by 10 scientists from universities, research institutes NAAS of Ukraine. The work of practicing veterinarians from different regions of Ukraine should be noted : Kyiv, Mykolaiv, Rivne, Volyn, Chernivtsi, Ivano-Frankivsk, Zakarpattia, Sumy, Cherkasy, Chernihiv, Crimea, Khmelnytsky.
Edited by Professor Yablonsky V.A. was published the first Ukrainian textbook on obstetrics, gynecology and animal reproduction biotechnology with the basics of Andrology. This textbook has injured two editions for 2 years, and the demand is not reduced. The author reprinted manual "Biotechnology of Animal Reproduction" (2005).
Since November 2002 there is special scientific Council K 26.004. 13, and from December 2004 - D 26.004.13, Council of candidate and doctoral theses on specialty 16.00.07 - Veterinary Obstetrics and 16.00.05 - Veterinary Surgery, headed by Professor Lyubetsky.
During functioning of Council 34 master's theses and 3 doctoral were protected.
Now the department is the coordinator of training educational programs for Bachelor "Master" of courses "disease of ruminants", "Research Methods" and training courses veterinarians in the direction of veterinary obstetrics.
The department continued the tradition on the educational process in a production environment - on-site clinical studies, teaching practice which are based on Agricultural Biotechnology animals and obstetrics and gynecology, conducted on the basis of educational farms NULES of Ukraine.
Employees of the department conducted research work on the state budget, contractual and initiative subjects.
Each year, the department staff provides advisory and practical assistance of Ukraine of different ownership forms on the physiology and pathology of reproduction of animals.
The priority research activities of the department are:
• improve methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of obstetric and gynecological diseases in highly productive cows;
• use of nanoparticles of drugs for the treatment and prevention of obstetric and gynecological diseases of animals;
• continuing study of the causes, diagnosis and prevention of the pathology of placenta in cows;
• organization of obstetric and gynecological check-ups in cattle using information technology;
• physiology and pathology of reproduction of small animals.