Department of Veterinary Reproduction

Department history

 Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Bioengineering of animal originated simultaneously with the formation of Kyiv Veterinary Zootechnical Institute (1920).
First, as a separate course "Veterinary Obstetrics and Gynecology," was read at the Department of Surgery by Professor V. Steletsky to July 1928 and from September 1928 to July 1937 - Associate Professor of Surgery K.I.Turkevych that from 1926 to 1930 headed the Veterinary Faculty.
In 1937, was organized by the Department of General Surgery independent Department of Veterinary Obstetrics and Gynecology, which from September 1944 was renamed to the department of obstetrics and artificial insemination of farm animals.
After returning to the institute in 1944 to exempt from Nazi invaders Kyiv, department housed in the premises of the Kiev clinics of Veterinary Institute.
In the early postwar years, the main burden in the educational process, its financial security, equipment of audiences, and so took the Chair, Associate Professor K.I. Turkevych, assistants A.M. Bagla, G.K. Korczak (1948-), intern A.G. Bernstein (1949-1954 gg .), Superior laboratory assistant K.D. Hosidman (1950-1951 gg.), Laboratory assistant M.A. Chernyshev (1936-1950 gg.), keeper G.D. Golik (1944-1954rr.).
During this period, K.I. Turkevych published two monographs "Helping animals during childbirth" (1945), "Barrenness and abortion in cows" (1946), which were essential to restore the number of cows in the postwar years.
In 1946, Associate Professor Konstantin Turkevych first used tissue preparation produced by the method of Filatov for the treatment of gynecological diseases of animals.
From September 1951 to July 1952 chair (concurrently) Associate Professor Andrievskiy B.Y., who worked at that time as the head of the Department of Agricultural Bilotserkivskyi Institute.
From September 1952 to head the department was elected Associate Professor of therapy department I.S. Nagorny, who held the post until 1985.
We can assume that with the advent of I.S. Nagorniy was completed period of formation and establishment of the department, as clinical veterinary department of the Kiev Institute.
Since September 1948, at the position of assistant of Obstetrics Department of Kiev Veterinary Institute was counted G.K. Korczak, who immediately was involved in teaching and research work.
The department continued to improve methodology of manufacture and use of tissue preparations of parenchymal organs of animals and introducing them into production for the treatment of obstetric and gynecological pathology. The department conducted research to study the causes of infertility in cows and development of new methods of diagnosis and prevention in Ukraine.
On this problem of infertility of cows has worked G.K. Korczak, who began to study ways of transmission, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of trichomoniasis in cattle in individual, collective and state farms.
In the late fifties by the department were published a number of scientific articles and monographs about the use of tissue therapy; transmission, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of trichomoniasis of cows and combat with infertility of animals.
In 1959 GK Korczak received a copyright certificate for the development of scarificatiorfor the takingscrapings from the genitals of females and males for laboratory testing for trichomoniasis, and in 1961 - the certificate on rational proposal.
Department employees were awarded with diplomas and medals of the USSR: Great Silver Medal - Assistant Professor I.S. Nagorniy (1958), a Small Silver medal - Assistant Professor G.K. Korczak (1958, 1962)., A Bronze medal - Assistant Professor I.S. Nagorniy, assistant G.K. Korczak (1955).
In 1962 entered graduate school to full-time man of faculty V.P. Polishchuk, who worked on the study of the properties of mucopolysaccharides of female sexual apparatus. This theme later became a leading scientific theme of the department. From 1985 to 1995 Vladimir Petrovich worked as head of department.
During the period 1961 - 1970 at the Department of Obstetrics and artificial insemination of agricultural animals were prepared and defended nine master's and one doctoral dissertation.
The seventies-eighties are characterized by active research activities of the department, led by prof. IS Nagorniy. During this period were studied in graduate school and defended their dissertations number of foreign citizens.

In 1995, by order of the rector of the National Agricultural University academician, NAAS of Ukraine Melnychuk DO Acting as head of department appointed assistant professor V. Lakatos. In the same school year as professor of Department was invited Doctor of Biological Sciences, corresponding member of NAAS of Ukraine, Honored leader of Science and Technology, MPs of Ukraine V. Yablonsky.

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