Events calendar
14.05.2018 – 20.05.2018
Sweden-Ukraine: experience exchange in forestry – education and science
May 16, 2018
Oleksandra Leshchenko, head of international programs of ERI of Forestry and Park Gardening, on behalf of ERI of Forestry and Park Gardening and within international project Erasmus+ and Euroforester had trained for two weeks in Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU. →
Saturday, Sunday
Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine awarded three scientists of NUBiP of Ukraine with a government scholarship – Mykola Patyka, Semen Tanchyk, and Leonid Tsentyl foto
May 19, 2018
This year Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine awarded NUBiP of Ukraine’s scientists with a governmental award in the area of the development and implementation an innovation technology «Biologization of the farming – agricultural products quality and safety. →
Science Day: professor Larysa Bal-Prylypko and professor Viacheslav Loveykin are awarded with governmental awards
May 19, 2018
President of Ukraine’s order 135/2018, May 19, 2018 states that scientists of National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine are awarded with governmental awards. →
Foresters from Kyrgyzstan visited out Alma mater foto
May 20, 2018
Students of Forestry Department, who graduated from our university in 1983 paid a visit to our Alma mater. →
Oleksandr Svynarenko, a student of Faculty of Construction and Design, is European champion in kyokushin karate! foto
May 20, 2018
Wroclaw (Poland) hosted European championship Kyokushinkai (WKO Shin Kyokushinkai). 384 sportsmen from 24 European countries competed to bear the title of the strongest man. Ukraine’s National team was presented by 42 sportsmen. Our sportsmen have won 9 awards (3 gold and 6 bronze medals). →