Oleksandr Svynarenko, a student of Faculty of Construction and Design, is European champion in kyokushin karate!

May 20, 2018

     Wroclaw (Poland) hosted European championship Kyokushinkai (WKO Shin Kyokushinkai). 384 sportsmen from 24 European countries competed to bear the title of the strongest man. Ukraine’s National team was presented by 42 sportsmen. Our sportsmen have won 9 awards (3 gold and 6 bronze medals). However, our sportsmen were only the fourth in the team event.

     One of the best sportsmen of these competitions was a third-year student of Faculty of Construction and Design Оleksandr Svynarenko. He performed in a weight category from 65 up to 75, the favourite category among most sportsmen. In the semi-final and final event our Оleksandr Svynarenko became European championship and won a gold medal early.

We congratulate Oleksandr on this victory and wish him to achieve new tops!

Zinovii Ruzhylo,
dean of Faculty of Construction and Design
translated by Olena Soloviova  

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