Sweden-Ukraine: experience exchange in forestry – education and science

May 16, 2018

     Oleksandra Leshchenko, head of international programs of ERI of Forestry and Park Gardening, on behalf of ERI of Forestry and Park Gardening and within international project Erasmus+ and Euroforester had trained for two weeks in Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU.

     The aim of the program was to learn about international activity of Southern Sweden Forest Research centre, Master programs in English and international projects in forestry which are financed by global organizations.
     Our colleague attended some meetings: with Desiree Mattsson, a coordinator of international programs of Southern Sweden Forest Research centre, Jonas Rönnberg, vice-dean of Faculty of Forestry for international activity, Maria Orvehed, head of the department for mobility of SLU, Geir Loe, a senior employee of a training centre for foreigners and Christer Borglin, a representative of the grant office of SLU.

     Many crucial issues were discusses among them possible areas of involving the faculty of ERI of Forestry and Park Gardening into Nordic Forest Research. We have worked how to design the content of Master programs in English at Faculty of Forestry and Park Gardening in order to further participate in Euroforester program. 14 European universities-leaders in forestry are participants of this program.

Petro Lakyda,
director of ERI of Forestry and Park Gardening
translated by Olena Soloviova

To Applicants (синій)Press-centreRegional Educational Institutions (синій)

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